New Delhi: Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader Raghav Chadha took a dig at Punjab Governor Banwarilal Purohit and Delhi LG VK Saxena saying they should read the Supreme Court order that made it very clear that "unelected heads of state" cannot "misuse" their powers and keep Bills pending without taking any action. The top court asked the Punjab Governor to decide on the Bills passed by the state legislative Assembly on June 19 and 20 and that he cannot “misuse” his power to "thwart the normal course of lawmaking", reported news agency PTI.

“The Hon'ble Supreme Court has given a verdict on a petition filed by the Punjab Government against the Punjab Governor. The verdict makes it clear that Governors are UNELECTED Heads of state and cannot MISUSE their powers to obstruct state legislatures,” Chadha posted on X.

“Perhaps the Governor of Punjab and LG of Delhi should read the said judgement as many times as needed to understand it and even seek the able assistance of a learned senior advocate if required,” he added.

The apex court passed the judgment while hearing a plea by Bhagwant Mann-led AAP government in Punjab. The government alleged that the Governor was not giving his assent to four Bills which were passed by the state legislative Assembly.

"The Governor, as an unelected Head of the State, is entrusted with certain constitutional powers. However, this power cannot be used to thwart the normal course of lawmaking by the state legislatures,” the top court order read.

"We are, therefore, of the view that the Governor of Punjab must now proceed to take a decision on the Bills which have been submitted for assent on the basis that the sitting of the House which was conducted on 19 June 2023, 20 June 2023, and 20 October 2023, was constitutionally valid," the order read.