The train was going to New Delhi when the incident occurred near Rooma railway station under Maharajpur police station in Kanpur Nagar district around 12.50 am. Four out of the 12 derailed Linke Hofmann Busch (LHB) coaches have overturned, the officials said.
North Central Railway public relations officer Amit Malviya said 12 people were injured and had been admitted to hospital. All passengers are being given relief, assistance, help and medical aid.
The coaches that derailed are: S8, S9, B1-B5, H1, A1, A2, pantry car and an SLR (seating cum luggage rake).
The district magistrate, senior superintendent of police and other senior officials reached the spot and are supervising the rescue operation. An 'accident relief train' and medical teams from Allahabad and Kanpur have departed for the site, the officials said.
The railways have issued helpline numbers: 1072, 9454403738, 9454401463, 9454401075, 9454400384 and 0512-23333111/112/113. It has diverted 13 trains and cancelled one train.