New Delhi: If you are one of those WhatsApp users who often take screenshots of their private conversations, then the instant messaging app’s new update may come as a piece of bad news for you. As a part of its security enhancement procedure, WhatsApp is testing an ‘Authentication’ feature which would bar users from taking screenshots of their private conversations. Several media reports suggest that the Facebook-owned messaging app is testing a new fingerprint feature that would ask users to scan their fingerprints in order to access chats. It means that if someone else gets hold of your phone, they would not be able to send or read your conversations on WhatsApp. However, once rolled out, users will not be able to capture screenshots of their conversations.

This new feature comes under several of WhatApp's security enhancements that it has been working upon in order to ensure maximum security and privacy to its users. Information surfacing about this upcoming feature has left users in a state of confusion.

"Fingerprint Security: When enabled, fingerprint is required to open WhatsApp and conversation screenshots are blocked. You can still reply to messages from notifications and answer calls if WhatsApp is locked," news agency IANS quoted a screenshot of the beta version of the 'Authentication' feature.

However, WhatsApp will not be the only one to roll out a feature like this. Digital streaming service Netflix also does not allow its users to take screen grabs of the videos. Even social media platform Snapchat notifies users every time when someone takes screenshots of their uploads.

There has been no official announcement about the feature by WhatsApp yet and hence it is not clear why the feature works like this. Even there is no clarification on what would be the criteria for this feature and how exactly will it work.

The company, earlier this month, also released an official statement saying that it would be soon come up with a new feature that would stop people from adding users automatically to group chats. As of now, one can add you to any chat group without your permission exposing your numbers to several others whom you might not want to share it with.