SAN FRANCISCO: Google will ramp up its consumer electronics strategy in a while from now as it's expected to announce new gadgets at an event in San Francisco.


  • Chromecast Ultra loads content 1.8X faster,  supports Ethernet.

  • Now Chromecast: Chromecast Ultra is a Chromecast with 4k support

  • Meet Google Wifi. It's a router. Google Wi-Fi is modular and expandable.

  • 50+ apps are coming to Daydream by the end of the year, with hundreds more on the way

  • Daydream View will be available in November for $79 — both the headset and controller, together

  • “To compliment our partners, we’re bringing the best of Google to Daydream: Google Play Movies, Google Photos, Streetview, and Youtube”

  • The headset-VR will work with Pixel, but also a slew of other phones coming soon from partners.

  • "Pixel is the first Daydream-ready phone, with sensors and displays all tuned for amazing VR."

  • Daydream ties together a bunch of things you need for mobile VR — software, hardware, and apps

  • We want to make VR simple, friendly and accessible.

  • The Pixel phones will be the first that are ‘Daydream Ready'

  • Quad core CPU: 2 cores at 2.15Ghz, 2x at 1.6ghz

  • Pre-orders start today in US, Canada, and Australia, and in India on the 13th.

  • It’s also got 4GB of ram, a fingerprint sensor on the back, the aforementioned 12.3mp rear camera, and, yes, a 3.5mm headphone jack.

  • Three colours - Very Silver, Quite Black, and Really Blue

  • Pixel comes in Two sizes: 5 and 5.5-inch screens

  • can get you up to 7 hours of power with just 15 minutes of charging.

  • 's camera is packed with cool features like Smartburst and Lens Blur.

  • The camera on Pixel is the best smartphone camera... EVER, according to DxOMark

  • Pixel comes with Google Photos built in.

  • "Our camera has a shorter capture time than any smartphone camera we've tested."

  • The camera uses HDR+ by default because there’s zero shutter lag, Rakowski says, which causes someone behind me to say “OKAY!” pretty loudly. So that’s nice

  • The Pixel has a 12-megapixel rear camera (with an f/2.0 lens)

  • Long-press the home button to bring up the Google Assistant, or say the hotword. Which I assume is “OK Google” or something. You can look at photos from last October, by saying “show me photos from last October"

  • This phone was designed inside and out to be smart, he says. The first thing you see is rounded icons, and a swipe up from the bottom to reveal all your apps.

  • Google launches its new smartphone Pixel

  • “As you’ll see today, we’re building hardware with Google Assistant at its core, so you can get things done without worrying about the underlying technology,” says Osterloh

  • Now comes Rick Osterloh, Google’s new head of hardware to talk gadgets.

  • Machine Translation Made by Google approaching human level translation

  • Our goal is to build a personal Google for each and every user: Pichai

  • Sundar speaks to the crowd.

  • Google showing a video about Google Assistant.

Google go live with its event, stay tuned for latest updates.

  • The event will begin at 9.30 pm IST. Stay tuned.


  • Google to launch two smartphones at the event. Google will launch its newest line of smartphones and maybe a whole bunch of other hardware products.

  • A new virtual reality headset and other devices, such as a home router, could also be on tap, according to analysts and industry blogs. Google has declined to confirm any specifics, although it previously described some of these products back in May.


  • The products include new smartphones and an internet-connected personal-assistant for the home similar to Amazon's Echo speaker.


  • The "Home" device will feature Google's digital "Assistant" service, a voice-activated personal butler that can search the internet, play music or perform other useful tasks.


  • "Assistant" is the company's answer to similar concierge services from rivals, including Siri, Amazon's Alexa and Microsoft's Cortana. The leading tech companies are all competing to assist consumers in their online activities such as shopping, since that gives the companies a better chance of selling advertising or other services.


  • All are intended to showcase Google's software and online services. Analysts and industry blogs say a virtual-reality headset and a home router could also be on tap.


Live stream: live stream is available on YouTube. You can watch on web, mobile, and anywhere you can watch YouTube.

Google makes most of its money from online software and digital ads. But it's putting more emphasis on hardware as it faces rivals like Apple, Amazon and Samsung. Julie Ask at Forrester Research says new devices could help Google keep its services front and center in the battle for consumers' attention.