New Delhi: The recently launched LG's flagship smartphone G5 comes with a price tag of whopping Rs 52,990. While we may start dreaming about the smartphone, the only question that sparks is - Is there a market for such costly smartphones in India?
Well, the answer is definitely subjective. However, LG seems to have decided that they would be bringing more affordable smartphones this year in India.
Adding more on this, the company has announced to launch 5 - 6 smartphones under Rs 10,000 and Rs 15,000 price ranges. According to a recent story on India Today, LG Electronics India MD Ki Wan Kim has informed PTI that the company is studying various segments and will launch affordable smartphones at first, and based on the response they get, the company would be planning for future smartphones designed for Indian consumers.
Having said this, India is definitely a country where we can see affordable devices with almost every person in every city. Also, with a lot of competitors like Xiaomi and Huawei bringing in cheaper smartphones with mind boggling features, we feel LG should definitely start concentrating more on budget devices, rather just testing the segment!
However, if everything goes well as per the company's announcements and plans, we can have more smartphones to select from an already available huge plethora of budget devices!