Happy Birthday Google: Google is celebrating its 20th birthday today. The tech giant has plastered an elaborate doodle on the search engine’s homepage. To honour the day - September 27 - Google has uploaded a 1.37-minute doodle video showing its journey from the start until 2018. At the end of the video, the tech giant thanked all the users for the support they got during these years. "Today’s video Doodle takes a stroll down memory lane by exploring popular searches all over the world throughout the last two decades," the tech giant mentioned.

The search engine was launched by two Stanford Ph.D. students twenty years ago with a bold mission to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful. "Though much has changed in the intervening years—including now offering Search in more than 150 languages and over 190 countries—Google is still dedicated to building products for everyone," the description under the doodle read. "So whether you’ve searched for the status of your favorite object orbiting the sun, the latest on the world’s biggest events, or how to impress on the dance floor: Thank you from Google," it added.

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The Google search engine that has billions of users globally has come a long way in the last two decades. The users get almost all information they search on Google in various subjects. Google helps people to do a good research to gather knowledge and necessary informations.

Doodles are the fun, surprising, and sometimes spontaneous changes that are made to the Google logo to celebrate holidays, anniversaries, and the lives of famous artists, pioneers, and scientists.