San Francisco: Google has rolled out a new series of controls that will allow YouTube users to set limits on their video viewing.

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  • This feature is expected to help them set "Take a Break" reminder from browsing the channels for too long.

  • The new feature will enable the users to set a reminder for every 15, 30, 60, 90 or 180 minutes, at which point the video will pause and users will receive "Take a Break" notification that they have been binge-watching videos for longer than they decided to.

  • Users can then choose to dismiss the reminder and keep watching, or close the app, the TechCrunch reported late Friday.

  • The changes announced during Google's I/O keynote will roll out in the latest update of YouTube, along with YouTube's ability to send notifications.

  • The reminders will come with an option of being dismissed and the feature will also allow users to disable notification sounds during a specified time period each day.

  • The new features are first expected to hit the 13.17 and higher versions of the YouTube mobile app on both iOS and Android, the report said.