Yokohama [Japan], May 23 (ANI): The CP+ Camera and Photo Imaging Show, better known as "CP Plus Show" was held in Yokohama, Japan.

This four-day annual trade show has attracted over 68,000 visitors this year, showcasing the hottest products and technologies in the market by major Japanese camera makers.

The event aims to further promote and develop photographic culture and its surrounding industries.

"I was able to re-appreciate the sophistication of these Japanese camera makers. Take the shutter speed for example; it is set to fire specific times per second. They are dedicated to the precision of their products," a visitor said.

Each company's booth provides a stage with different themes and models and the visitors can freely test shoot its newly promoted products.

On the stage, there are performances by professional athletes who will be competing for the Tokyo Olympic in few years.

The maker aims to respond to the special needs for these people in the upcoming Olympic Game.

"As a long-time top sponsor of Olympic Games, our video equipments have been incorporated for its broadcast worldwide. And this time for the Tokyo Olympic, we want our still-cameras to be widely used as well. So now, we've been working on product development, such as features that cannot be replaced with smartphone cameras, ones with advanced burst capture, or inter-changeable lenses that can produce cinematic effect," said Katsunori Maeda, a representative from Panasonic.

At the center of this site, there is a photography exhibition showcasing works by young photographers. It aims to nurture upcoming generations of photographers by cooperating with them.

"I think this is a perfect place to communicate with different professionals and specialists in the industry while keeping my technological knowledge up to date," a visitor said.

Just before the competition for the actual Tokyo Olympic Games, the sales competitions by these digital camera makers have already started. (ANI)

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