Chennai: The Central intelligence agencies are on high alert in Tamil Nadu and Kerala after the twin drone attack at the Air force's technical airport in Jammu on June 27. Central agencies, according to highly placed sources have tipped the police of both Tamil Nadu and Kerala to be alert and to be prepared for intrusions into the states with certain terror groups exploring the possibilities of using drones.

After the Chinese take over of Hambanthota port in Sri Lanka, the coast guard and Indian Navy intelligence has been on high alert over the coastal areas of Tamil Nadu and in the southern belts of Kerala.

The intelligence agencies have warned the Tamil Nadu and Kerala governments and security agencies of these states as, according to sources, the agencies received tips of certain terror outfits from across the border preparing themselves for such attacks. Even as India has opened backchannel discussions or Track 2 diplomacy with the Taliban fighters of Afghanisthan following the systematic withdrawal of US forces from that country, the intelligence agencies are not leaving any chances and have recommended the southern states to be on high alert.

The sea coast of Kerala and Tamil Nadu has been on the intelligence radar for a few months and with the drone attack in Jammu, the agencies have intensified the surveillance in these two states.

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It may be noted that the intelligence agencies have warned of certain homegrown terror movements in both these states and the large exodus of terrorists to Syria and Afghanistan from Kerala had led the central agencies to be on high alert. The presence of organisations like Al-Umma and its activities in districts like Coimbatore, Trichy, Kanyakumari, and other southern districts of Tamil Nadu has also been closely monitored by the central agencies.

The ascend of the DMK government in Tamil Nadu has fanned the ultra Tamil movements of the state and several pro-LTTE organisations have issued statements and the demand for the release of the convicts in the Rajiv Gandhi assassination case has also become louder.

Taking these factors into consideration, the agencies do not want to take any chances and to be prepared for any eventuality, and several individuals and organisations will be under the radar.

(With inputs from IANS)