New Delhi: After opening the shopping malls and markets, the Delhi government  has permitted to reopen stadiums and sports complexes from Monday as a part of the next phase of unlocking. An offcial announcement was made by the Delhi Disaster Management Authority (DDMA) on Sunday.

While most activities have been allowed across the national capital in a phased manner, spas, cinemas, theatres and multiplexes have remain shut so far. Moreover, the swimming pools have also not been allowed to reopen as yet.

Also Read|India Reports 43,071 Covid Cases In Last 24 Hrs, Recovery Rate Increases To 97%

"In an order issued by DDMA, cinema/theatre/multiplexes, banquet halls, social/political gatherings, auditoriums, swimming pools, schools, colleges, spas, amusement parks are prohibited throughout the NCT of Delhi. Stadium and sports complexes allowed to open with no spectators", the Delhi government's statement read.

The national capital reported 86 new Covid cases and five deaths in the last 24 hours, according to the daily health bulletin released by the Delhi government on Saturday.

The daily Covid positivity rate stood at 0.11 per cent, it said.

A total of 106 persons recovered from the disease in the past 24 hours, taking the national capital's total number of recoveries to 14,08,456.

With the latest deaths reported on Saturday, Delhi's overall Covid death has reached close to the 25,000-mark at 24,989.

A total of 76,619 Covid samples were tested in the last 24 hours, including 54,103 through RT-PCR and 22,516 through the Rapid Antigen method.

The national capital's active caseload stood at 1,016 on Saturday.