Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal's wife Sunita Kejriwal has reportedly tested positive for novel Coronavirus on Tuesday. As per the early inputs, she has home isolated herself while the chief minister has also quarantined himself after his wife's COVID report came positive. No official statement has been released so far.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-partner="tweetdeck"><p lang="in" dir="ltr">Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal quarantines himself as his wife Sunita Kejriwal tests positive for <a href="">#COVID19</a>; she has home isolated herself. <br><br>(File pics) <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; ANI (@ANI) <a >April 20, 2021</a></blockquote>
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Delhi CM and Aam Aadmi Party Chief Kejriwal on Monday announced to impose a six-day lockdown across national capital starting Monday (April 19) 10 PM till next Monday (April 26), 5 AM.

IN PICS | Migrant Workers Leaving Delhi In Hordes After CM Kejriwal Imposes 6-Day Lockdown Amid COVID Spike

As per the issued order on restrictions during the lockdown, essential services, food services, medical services will continue. Weddings can be held with a gathering of only 50 people, passes will be issued separately for it.

Meanwhile, Delhi Deputy CM Manish Sisodia earlier today infored that in 2.5 weeks, bed count has gone up by 3 times here. 2,700 more beds will be arranged in next few days. Most COVID-19 patients are recovering in home isolation.

Meanwhile, Delhi Health Minister Satyendar Jain said there are 18,923 beds in Delhi as of now, of which 16,461 beds are occupied & 2,462 beds are vacant. COVID-19 facility at Radha Soami Satsang Beas will reopen today and the one at Commonwealth Games Village has become operational with 600 beds. 

ALSO READ | Delhi Lockdown Full Guidelines: Shops, Malls, Weekly Markets & Schools Shut For 6 Days- Check What's Allowed, What's Prohibited 

The national capital reported 23,686 fresh cases of COVID-19 and 240 fatalities in last 24 hours. As oer the data provided by state health department, there are 76,887 active cases present at the moment.