New Delhi, Jul 15:  Even as human clinical trials for a coronavirus vaccine got underway in India with approximately 1,000 volunteers taking part in the mammoth exercise, the number of single-day cases in the country witnessed the highest spike of 29,429  on Wednesday while the recovery rate has improved further. Also Read: ICMR Takes Giant Leap Against Coronavirus Battle As Human Clinical Trials For COVID-19 Vaccine In India Gets Underway

Around 29,429 new cases and 582 deaths have been reported in the last 24 hours in India. Total positive cases now stand at 9,36,181 including 3,19,840 active cases, 5,92,032 cured/discharged/migrated and 24,309 deaths, according to the Ministry of Health.

However, on the positive side, the recovery rate among Covid-19 patients has increased to 63.20 per cent. The recoveries/deaths ratio is 96.05 per cent :3.95 per cent now, as per the government.  Around 20,572 patients were declared cured, taking the number of recoveries to 592031. The latest numbers is the highest ever patients cured in a single day, as per the business daily Mint.

According to the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), 1.24 crore samples had been tested for Covid-19 till July 14, including 3.2 lakh samples tested on Tuesday.

As the tally of positive cases has breached the nine lakh-mark on Tuesday, the health ministry stated almost 86 per cent of the total active cases are confined to 10 affected states with Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu accounting for 50 per cent of them.

Even though India remains the second-most populous country of the world, the daily growth rate of new COVID-19 cases in India has been coming down continuously from around 38.2 per cent in March to 3.24 per cent on July 12, Rajesh Bhushan, the officer on special duty in the Health Ministry, said.

Meanwhile, human clinical trials for a coronavirus vaccine have got underway in the country with approximately 1,000 volunteers taking part in the mammoth exercise for each of the two indigenously developed vaccine candidates, the ICMR said on Tuesday.

As a result of the spike in the cases, a total lockdown is to be imposed in Bihar from 16 to 31 July.