New Delhi: In a big decision to encourage the students, Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel on Thursday announced to give helicopter rides to the toppers. Addressing the gathering in Balrampur, the CM said that the students who top the district will be taken on a helicopter tour. The CM said that the board results are going to come in a few days. There is a lot of curiosity among the students about the results. This will encourage other students as well and their dreams will take flight, said CM.

He said that after talking to the students, I felt that the students have a lot of talent. If there is a need then only to give them strong inspiration.

"Air travel is something everyone desires. I believe that a helicopter ride will inculcate in the minds of children a desire to fly high in the skies of life and they will sharpen their skills even more to achieve their goal," the chief minister said.

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Baghel further said that during his visit to three Atmanand English Medium Schools in the Samri Assembly constituency on Wednesday, he realised that students had a lot of talent, but they needed motivation.

"I have full faith that if our students get some unique motivation and if a unique reward is set for them, then their desire to succeed will also increase," he said.

About 6.50 lakh students appeared in the Chhattisgarh Board Examination. Out of these, 2,93,685 students had appeared in class 12th, out of which 2,89,808 students were regular and 3,617 students were private. At the same time, 3,80,027 students had registered for the 10th examination, out of which 3,77,677 were regular and 2,360 were private students.

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