Years after he flayed India's Chandrayaan-2 mission, former Pakistan minister Fawad Chaudhry heaped praises on India's Chandrayaan-3 mission which is all set to land on the lunar surface this evening. Chaudhury, who was a minister in the cabinet of former Pakistan prime minister Imran Khan hailed the mission, dubbing it a "historic moment for human kind".
He tweeted, "Pak media should show #Chandrayan moon landing live tomorrow at 6:15 PM… historic moment for Human kind specially for the people, scientists and Space community of India…. Many Congratulations."
Meanwhile, India is awaiting the soft landing with bated breath and prayers. Wishes poured in from all parts and leaders cutting across party lines ahead of the most-awaited moment.
If the Chandrayaan-3 mission succeeds in its attempt to make a touchdown on Moon and in landing a robotic lunar rover in ISRO's second attempt in four years, India will become the fourth country to master the technology of soft-landing on the lunar surface after the US, China and the erstwhile Soviet Union.
Chandrayaan-3 is a follow-on mission to Chandrayaan-2 and its objectives are to demonstrate safe and soft-landing on the lunar surface, roving on the Moon, and to conduct in-situ scientific experiments.
Chandrayaan-2 had failed in its lunar phase after its lander 'Vikram' crashed into the surface of the Moon following anomalies in the braking system in the lander while attempting a touch down on September 7, 2019. Chandrayaan's maiden mission was in 2008.
The Rs 600 crore Chandrayaan-3 mission was launched on July 14 onboard Launch Vehicle Mark-III (LVM-3) rocket, for a 41-day voyage to reach near the lunar south pole.
The soft-landing is being attempted days after Russia's Luna-25 spacecraft crashed into the Moon after spinning out of control.