New Delhi: Get ready to watch Sara Ali Khan getting out of her comfort zone. She has moved on from comedies and romances to horror and tired mysteries. The narrative of this Disney+Hotstar flick ‘Gaslight’ may not blow you away, but it will definitely keep you interested throughout.

‘Ragini MMS’ director Pavan Kirpalani again shows his speciality in combining psychological themes with aspects of terror and suspense. The film would get high marks if ideas alone counted, but in reality, it’s a failed attempt at making a whodunnit. 

Based on the film's pacing and its early attempts at creating a horror movie atmosphere (with unnecessary horror elements), ‘Gaslight’ is like the 2000s horror genre.

Sara Ali Khan plays a young girl named Meesha with paraplegia (Paralysis of the lower half of the body). She is a royal descendant who came to meet his father 15 years after she last saw him. Chitrangda Singh (Rukmini) is her stepmother and Vikrant Massey (Kapil) is her father's aide. 

The murder mystery is set in a gorgeous but haunted mansion in Rajasthan. Meesha encounters many bizarre and terrible events, and the rest of the film follows the same tune. Throughout the end of the movie, she keeps looking for answers about her missing father. 

After seeing unusual behaviour at the palace, Meesha begins to investigate. Even when she begins seeing her deceased father's ghost and reporting it to the family, they dismiss her concerns as delusion. Although, you may question why a paralysed lady would have the nerve to tour a mystery palace while it's dark and rainy outside.

The movie did have one positive thing: Chitrangada Singh's portrayal of Ranisa Rukmani. Her understated confidence lends the film an air of authenticity that helps the plot forward. Despite several poorly crafted scenes, Chitrangada Singh's role is the most sophisticated and she portrays it with integrity. She can switch between the roles of seductress and stepmother with ease. You will be captivated and also desire more. After seeing Chitrangda, it's hard to see anybody other in the role of Rukmini.

Acting talent and dedication have helped Vikrant Massey get to the pinnacle of his profession. You may have suspected from the outset that he was more than meets the eye, but his transformation is so seamless that you hardly even realise it. 

There's no denying the lead actors have tremendous chemistry together. However, the audience will wonder what is the role of Rahul Dev (investigative officer) in the movie? If he had been given more to do, he could have delivered a better performance. Yet, the producers missed an opportunity to amp up the tension by ignoring the film's supporting players.

Akshay Oberoi, as the spoiled prince and Meesha's distant cousin, tried to go above and beyond in his performance. 

The film ‘Gaslight’ suffers from a slow pace and a dull script. As sincere as the performances may be, the film's pace problems make it tough to enjoy them. Those that like grimy movies may be able to stick it through, but others who don't may want to halt it somewhere in the first half hour.

Another issue with ‘Gaslight’ is that it tries too hard to surprise its viewers. The storyline hinders Pavan Kirpalani a little bit from giving us an unforgettable suspense flick. The tense, drawn-out scenes should have been well crafted. 

This mystery thriller is only somewhat entertaining because of its cliché royal riddles and predictable twist. After everything is said and done, the film's final twist is what makes it worthwhile. The showdown between Massey and Sara at the end is epic. Massey's dialogue delivery is well-received and gets a full point.

Gaslight isn't a must-watch, but it's worth your time if you want to see a unique cast come together for a twisting plot. The whole ‘Gaslight’ cast should be commended for their efforts.

Tip: Don’t keep maximising your laptop or phone’s brightness; it's the film itself that's dark, not your screen.