New Delhi: Every year on June 8, World Brain Tumour Day is observed to create awareness about brain tumours and how it affects individuals. A lump or collection of aberrant brain cells is known as a brain tumour. They are of two types: Benign and malignant. Benign brain tumours are non-cancerous and usually have slow growth. They are unique, and they typically don't spread to other areas. However, because they compress and harm a portion of the brain they can cause severe malfunction.

World Brain Tumor Day 2023: History

Ancient medical books make no mention of brain tumours, but they do frequently refer to the surgical procedure known as skull trepanation to treat the symptoms of brain tumours.

The German Brain Tumour Association, a nonprofit organisation with its headquarters in Leipzig, first observed brain tumours in 2000. German Brain Tumour Day was established by the association on May 8, 2000, with the goal of raising awareness of the difficulties faced by sufferers and their relatives.

With time, the event attracted attention on a global scale, and initiatives to create a day to raise awareness of brain tumours were developed. The International Brain Tumour Alliance (IBTA), a group that unites advocacy organisations for brain tumours from all around the world, declared June 8 to be World Brain Tumour Day in 2010.

World Brain Tumor Day 2023: Significance

The commemoration of World Brain Tumour Day aims to raise awareness of the difficulties patients and their families encounter, encourage early detection, aid in research efforts, and promote better treatment alternatives. This day is vital for generating optimism, advancing research, and eventually bettering the lives of people with brain tumours via education, advocacy, and support.

World Brain Tumor Day 2023: Theme

 The theme for this year is 'Protect yourself – keep away from stress'. By 2030, brain cancer, currently the fourth most deadly and common disease in the world, is expected to overtake skin cancer as the second most common type of cancer.