New Delhi: The unusual rise in temperature gets multiple unrequited problems for the human body as well, ranging from skin problems to breathing problems. In such situations, it gets even more difficult for people with asthma and other respiratory problems. 

On World Asthma Day, here are some suggestions were given by experts to protect oneself from the heatwave. 

According to Asthma + Lung UK, an NGO that works to improve care and support for everyone with a lung condition, Asthma is usually associated with cold weather but it can be triggered by extreme weather conditions as well like the heatwaves. 

The organisation also gives suggestions to keep oneself protected against such weather. It explains that asthma gets triggered during summers because breathing in hot air causes airways to narrow, leading to coughing and shortness of breath. The other reason is that during hot weather there are higher levels of pollutants and pollens in the air. 

Here are some tips to take care of yourself during extremely hot weather-

  • Keep using the preventer inhaler and carry relieve inhaler at all times so that when symptoms occur, they can be dealt with.

  • Keep inhalers in a cool place out of direct sunlight so they continue to work properly. While travelling in the sun, keep the inhaler in a cool bag, away from direct sunlight. 

  • Plan your day’s activities in the early hours of the day so as to avoid being out during the major sunlight hours.

  • Exercise regularly during the early morning or late evening hours to keep your health in check.

  • Check the weather, pollen, and pollution forecast regularly before planning your day.

  • Try to eat as normal even if not hungry. Fruits, salads, and other cold foods are good for health as they contain a lot of water.