Vishu 2024: Vishu, a significant Hindu festival celebrated with immense enthusiasm in Kerala and other southern states of India like Karnataka and Tamil Nadu, occurs on the first day of the Malayalam month of Medam. This festival marks the onset of the Malayalam new year and is dedicated to the worship of Vishnu and Krishna, celebrating Krishna’s triumph over the asura-king Narakasura. The festival symbolises renewal, hope, and joy, enriched with ancient traditions and customs, holding a cherished spot in the hearts of Malayali people worldwide. 

Vishu 2024: History And Significance

The term 'Vishu' originates from the Sanskrit word 'Viuvam,' meaning 'equal,' symbolising the equilibrium between day and night during the spring equinox. Despite Vishu occurring 24 days after the spring equinox, it marks the commencement of the astronomical new year in the Malayalam calendar.

Vishu 2024: Date And Timings

Vishu falls on the first day of Medam in the Malayalam calendar, which occurs around mid-April as per the Gregorian calendar. In 2024, Vishu will be celebrated on Sunday, April 14, and the Vishu Kani will occur at 9:15 PM on April 13, as per Drik Panchang.

What Is Vishu Kani?

Vishu Kani is a significant ritual observed on Vishu, that involves the sighting of auspicious items at sunrise for a prosperous year ahead. On the day preceding Vishu, the eldest member of the family gathers auspicious items and arranges them in front of the statues of Lord Vishnu and Lord Krishna. Vishu Kani typically includes coconut, betel nut, yellow flowers, coins, currency notes, a white dhoti, rice, lemon, cucumber, jackfruit, a mirror, kajal, and a sacred book. At sunrise, family members view the Vishu Kani as the first thing. This ritual is believed to invite prosperity, good fortune, and wealth into their lives throughout the year.

Another significant Vishu ritual is Vishukkaineetam, where elder family members offer money to younger members, servants, and tenants.

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