Tulsi-Turmeric Kada To boost Your Immunity:  The pandemic has shown us the importance of a strong immune system. According to doctors and experts, coronavirus is dangerous for people with weak immunity.

Ayurveda offers a variety of drinks and healthy foods that can strengthen our immunity. Today we are going to tell you about one such healthy drink that will not only strengthen your immunity but also cure your cold and sore throat. Let us know about the Tulsi-Turmeric brew.

Tulsi-Turmeric Brew Making Ingredients
- Take 8 to 10 tulsi leaves
- Take 1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder
- 3-4 cloves
- 2-3 tsp honey
- 1-2 cinnamon sticks

Tulsi-Turmeric Brew Recipe

Take water in a pan to make a brew and add tulsi leaves, turmeric powder, cloves, and cinnamon and boil for at least 30 minutes. Then strain it and add honey when it cools down a little. The drink is ready for consumption. It will strengthen your immunity as well as relieve you of cold. You can drink it 2 times a day.  

Benefits Of Drinking Tulsi-Turmeric Brew

This brew helps you get relief from cold and sore throat. It is also beneficial for diabetics as it lowers the sugar level in the body. Drinking tulsi decoction daily flushes out toxin elements from the body and strengthens the immune system. It cures constipation and loose motion.