World Tourism Day 2024: This day is an opportunity to celebrate the diversity and beauty of our world. The Seven Wonders of the World, a collection of extraordinary places that represent human talent and natural beauty is something that leaves every tourist astonished. These ancient and modern wonders attract millions of visitors each year, encouraging interest and appreciation for the world's heritage.


From the Great Wall of China to the magnificient Machu Picchu in Peru, each place tells a unique story of the culture, innovation and history. As we explore these wonders, we consider the importance of sustainable tourism so that future generations can experience and cherish these beautiful places.

1. The Great Wall Of China, China 

 The Great Wall of China is one of the world's most famous landmarks, stretching for more than 13,000 kilometers across northern China. It was built during several dynasties, most notably the Ming Dynasty, and was designed to prevent attacks and incursions. Contructed from a variety of materials, including stone, brick, rammed earth, and wood, the wall demonstrates extraordinary engineering and architectural mastery. It has stunning views at every turn.

The Great Wall of China is not only beautiful, it also represents China's history and culture. A walk along the walls provide a unique insight into the past and an opportunity to appreciate the work and dedication that went into its construction. The Great Wall of China is a testament to human ingenuity and perseverance.

(Image Source: Pinterest/tripsavvy)

2. Petra, Jordan

Located in southern Jordan, Petra is an ancient city known for its beautiful stone and rich history. Founded by the Nabataens in the 5th century BC, Petra was a thriving trading center connecting the silk and spice routes. Its most famous feature is Al-Khazneh, or 'House of Treasures', which displays beautiful paintings and is evidence of Nabataen craftsmanship. The Siq is a beautiful gorge that leads to the heart of the city and reveals magnificent relics hidden within. 

Petra in Jorda's rich heritage and stunning landscapes make it a must visit destinations for history and adventure lovers.

(Image Source: Pinterest/adventureso)

3. Roman Colosseum, Italy

The Colosseum is an iconic symbol of ancient Rome and a testament to the architectural beauty of the Roman Empire. Completed in 80 AD during the reign of Emperor Titus, this vast amphitheatre could seat up to 50,000 spectators who gathered to watch gladiatorial contests, public shows and games.

Constructed of travertine stone, tufa and brick, the Colosseum features an intricate system of vaults and arches that showcase the mastery of Roman techniques. Its design includes a special arena floor with trap doors and underground chambers for animals and gladiators which is enjoyed by millions of visitors. 

(Image Source: Pinterest/freepik)

4. Chichen Itza, Mexico

 Chichen Itza in Mexico is one of the most popular archaeological sites of the ancient Mayan civilisation. It flourished from the 10th to 12th century, becoming an important political and commercial center. The place is famous for the iconic pyramid El Castillo (Temple of Kukulkan), which had a unique design that casts the shadow of a snake, the symbol of the God Kukulkan. 

Other magnificient structures are also of Chichen Itza include Temple of the Warriors and the observatory called El Caracol. Chichen Itza showcases the astronomy and architectural knowledge of the Maya through beautiful carvings and ruins. 

(Image Source: Pinterest/ancientorigins)

5. Machu Picchu, Peru