Travelling is an experience; it is as much about the journey as it is about the destination. The destination may prompt you to pack your bags, but the journey itself may pique your interest. What if we told you that you could travel locally from India to other countries by road?

Here's List Of Countries You Can Visit By Road From India: 


Nepal is not only convenient in terms of distance and immigration facilities, but it also offers some of the most beautiful landscapes and sights at Mount Everest's foothills. A drive from New Delhi to Kathmandu will take you through two Indian states (New Delhi and Uttar Pradesh) before entering Nepal through the Sunauli Border. 

There is no need for a visa. Indians with a valid passport, voter ID, driving license, ration card, or any other identification issued by the Indian Embassy in Kathmandu are free to live and work in Nepal.


The tiny country of Bangladesh has frequently made headlines due to its weak political capital, but the beauty of its landscape is unforgettable for visitors. Bangladesh's Cox Bazar has the world's longest sea beach, and the Sunderbans' lush greens are popular with foreign visitors.

To get to Dhaka, you'll have to travel through New Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, and Bihar before crossing the border into Bangladesh at the Sonamasjid Sulka checkpoint or the Petrapole-Benapole border. Once on Bangladeshi soil, it will take you approximately 8 hours to reach Dhaka, the capital city of Bangladesh.

Indian nationals with valid passports can obtain a visa from the Bangladeshi embassy.


Bhutan draws not only peace-seekers but also travellers from all over the world. Bhutan has rich and diverse natural beauty in addition to a happy lifestyle. The road from New Delhi to Thimpu passes through the states of Uttar Pradesh and Assam; from Guwahati (the state capital of Assam), you can travel to the Bhutanese village of Phuntsholing and then to Thimpu.

While no visa is required for Indians, those with a valid passport (valid for at least 6 months from the date of travel), voter ID, and travel documents can obtain a 7-day entry-cum-stay permit from the border office. 


Myanmar (Burma, to our forefathers) is a land of beautiful Buddhist temples and natural beauty. It is known as the "land of gold." Myanmar is an absolute visual treat, with distinctive architecture and rich cultural history.   To cross India, you must pass through New Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Sikkim, Assam, Nagaland, and Manipur. You will enter Myanmar at the Moreh Border Checkpoint, then travel to Mandalay and further south to Yangoon.

Before entering Myanmar's territory, a visa stamped by the Myanmar embassy is required. While Myanmar provides Indians with an e-visa that allows for a single entry permit for up to 28 days, this may not be sufficient or appropriate for a road trip into the country. 


Thailand, a haven for the young at heart, attracts tourists all year round to its beautiful beaches. The road to Bangkok will pass through India's northeastern states and Myanmar before arriving in Thailand. Many people who have travelled this route recommend heading from Delhi to Imphal, then crossing Moreh, Kale, Bagan, Inle Lake, Yangon, and Maesot, and arriving in Bangkok from Tak.

Thailand allows Indians with valid passports to obtain an e-visa on arrival.