A Global Affair: Greece, a land steeped in mythology, the epitome of wanderlust, is an enticing destination that draws visitors from all over the world. Emerging as one of the hottest destinations on the tourist circuit, Greece captures the imagination of many with its charm. Nestled within the Schengen Area, a Europe-wide agreement facilitating passport-free travel, Greece opens its arms to explorers. Securing a Greece visa is a critical step for those embarking on this journey from the Indian subcontinent.

This article delves into the depths of Schengen visas for Indian citizens, offering a comprehensive guide that navigates the maze of options, purposes, and requirements.

Do Indian Citizens Need A Visa To Travel Greece?

In the realm of international travel, planning is paramount. For Indian citizens, Greece mandates a tourist visa (referred to as a Greece Schengen visa) before embarking on its storied shores. This document, similar to a passport, allows tourists to travel throughout Greece for vacations, leisure, and sightseeing.

Furthermore, the Greece Schengen Visa is designed for short business trips, allowing for engagements such as meetings, functions, and client interactions. The catch is that it prohibits working within the country. If your trip is for reasons other than tourism or business, you will need to apply for a different visa.

Greece Visa Types For Indian Travellers: 

According to the Indian Embassy in Greece, among the many options available, Greece offers a diverse range of visas to meet the specific needs of Indian explorers. The Long-Term Stay Visa is designed for those who intend to stay for more than three months. Alternatively, the Schengen Short-Term Stay Visa is intended for stays of less than 90 days and is divided into several categories:

Uniform Schengen Visas (USV): This singular permit facilitates residence or transit within a chosen Schengen Area Member Country. The bifurcation into Category A and Category C offers distinct choices:

  • Category A encompasses the Airport Transit Visa, granting access to the international zone of Schengen country airports.

  • Category C signifies the short-term visa, enabling residence within the Schengen area. This visa variant permits single entry, double entry, or multiple entries, contingent upon the nature of travel.

Limited Territorial Validity Visas (LTV): Crafted for specific Schengen nations specified in the application, the LTV visa confers travel rights to the designated country.

National Visas: For those embarking on journeys of work, study, or permanent residency, the 'D' category national visa holds relevance. Distinguished by single or multiple entries, this visa type accommodates varying travel needs.

Types Of Greek Visas Based On Travelling Purpose: 

According to the Embassy of India in Greece, the gamut of visa options diversifies based on the purpose of travel:

  • Transit Visa: Designed for seafarers and transient travellers, this visa caters to port stops during onward journeys.

  • Airport Transit Visa: Similar in essence, the airport transit visa facilitates access to the international zone of Schengen country airports for connecting flights.

  • Tourist Visa: Unveiling the kaleidoscope of Greek culture, architecture, and cuisine, the tourist visa resonates with explorers seeking immersive experiences.

  • Business Visa: A haven for frequent business travellers, this category expedites appointments even during peak seasons.

  • Official Visit Visa: Tailored for official delegations, this option accommodates group travel for business pursuits.

  • Visiting Family or Friends Visa: Enabling familial and friendly reunions, this visa necessitates special requirements, such as an invitation letter.

  • Study Visa: Catering to academic pursuits, this visa suits students aiming for institutional courses within the Schengen country.

  • Medical Visa: Designed for medical treatment, this visa extends a buffer period for medical care within Schengen clinics and hospitals.

  • Culture, Sport, or Film Crew Visa: Tailored for performers and contributors, this visa facilitates regular travel for cultural, sporting, or cinematic engagements.

For comprehensive details regarding the specific documents needed for various visa purposes, click here

The Application Process For Greek Visa: 

The application process takes centre stage as the decision to explore Greece solidifies. Applicants can begin the process within 6 months prior by starting at least 15 days before the journey and allowing a window of up to 45 days for comprehensive examination. An early start protects against unexpected processing delays.

Putting together the necessary documentation is an essential step in the visa process. This checklist will help applicants navigate the maze of procedures:

  1. Completed Application Form: The Greece Visa for Indians Application form, accessible online or via the GVCW website, forms the bedrock of the application. Click here to visit the website. 

  2. Passport Photo: A compliant passport photo that adheres to Greek government stipulations.

  3. Valid Passport: A passport with ample blank pages, ensuring a validity of at least three months post the journey's conclusion and issued within the last ten years.

  4. Schengen Travel Insurance: With a minimum coverage of EUR 30,000 and encompassing the entire Schengen area, this insurance extends to COVID-19-related emergencies.

  5. Proof of Accommodation: Documentation that substantiates the duration of stay and covers Schengen countries besides Greece.

  6. Financial Proof: A cover letter, bank statements, income tax returns, and employer permission culminate to demonstrate financial stability.

  7. Employment or Studies Documentation: Official documentation outlining employment or study details, ascertaining commitment, and legitimacy.

  8. Return Flight Ticket: A return ticket as testament to planned repatriation.

  9. Purpose-specific Documentation: Varied documentation based on employment status, study intentions, or medical treatment needs.

  10. Minimum Financial Requirements: Attesting to a minimum of 50€ per day, non-EU citizens exhibit financial sustenance during their Greek sojourn. 

Click here to fetch more information on the important documents required. 

Where To Apply: 

Traditionally, visa applications were handled by Greece's embassies and consulate generals. The torchbearer of this process, however, has shifted to the GVCW Greece visa application centres, which has streamlined the application trajectory. Appointments at the nearest GVCW centre are made possible through online registration.

Step By Step Visa Application Process Explained:

Step 1: Document Collection: Gathering essential documents to ensure a smooth application process.

Step 2: Application Form Completion: Accurate and precise completion of the Greece Tourist Visa for Indians Application Form, referencing the passport for accuracy.

Step 3: Appointment Scheduling: Creating an account and scheduling an appointment at the chosen Visa Application Center.

Step 4: Interview And Submission: Attending the interview at the Visa Application Center, presenting documents, and providing biometric data.

Step 5: Waiting Game: Awaiting visa processing feedback, tracking the application's progress through designated channels.

The Schengen visa acts as a key to Greece's treasures, granting a maximum stay of 90 days within a 180-day period. Meticulous planning is imperative to avoid overstay repercussions.