India is a treasure trove of natural wonders, historical sites, and diverse cultures. However, there are certain unique places in the country that face the risk of disappearing in the near future. Here are eight such destinations that you must visit before they vanish, as some reports suggest they may cease to exist within the next 15-20 years.

Majuli Island, Assam: Known for its biodiversity and vibrant culture, Majuli Island is threatened by floods and erosion, resulting in its shrinking size. With a significant reduction in area, Majuli Island's existence is in jeopardy.

8 Must-Visit Destinations In India Before They Vanish

Rakhigarhi, Haryana: Considered the largest city of the Indus Valley Civilization, Rakhigarhi faces challenges of inadequate maintenance and artifact theft, which could diminish its historical significance over time.

Wular Lake, Jammu and Kashmir: As one of the world's largest freshwater lakes, Wular Lake is experiencing a decline in its size due to waterfowl hunting and pollution.

Sunderbans, West Bengal: The world's largest mangrove forest and home to the Royal Bengal tigers, Sunderbans faces the dual threats of rising sea levels and global warming, endangering its delicate ecosystem.

Ram Sethu, Tamil Nadu: Also known as Adam's Bridge, this limestone shoal bridge is at risk due to the proposed Sethusamudram Shipping Canal Project, posing a threat to its existence.

Jaisalmer Fort, Rajasthan: A magnificent fortification, Jaisalmer Fort is deteriorating rapidly due to population growth and inadequate infrastructure, making it vulnerable to collapse.

Balpakram Forest, Meghalaya: The Balpakram National Park, rich in biodiversity and home to the Garo tribe, faces deforestation due to coal mining and water dam construction, putting its animal inhabitants at risk.

Coral Reef, Lakshadweep: The coral reefs of Lakshadweep are endangered by blast fishing, coral mining, and rising sea levels caused by global warming. Immediate action is needed to preserve these fragile ecosystems.


These unique places reflect India's rich heritage and natural beauty. It is imperative to visit them now to witness their magnificence and raise awareness about the importance of conservation before they fade away from our existence.