Buddha Purnima 2024: Bodh Gaya is a renowned religious site and pilgrimage destination associated with the Mahabodhi Temple complex, located in the Gaya district of Bihar, India. It is famous as the place where Gautama Buddha is said to have attained enlightenment (Pali: Bodhi) under what became known as the Bodhi Tree. Since ancient times, Bodh Gaya has been a centre of pilgrimage and veneration for both Hindus and Buddhists. Archaeological findings, including statues, indicate that this site has been used by Buddhists since the Mauryan period.

History Of Bodh Gaya:

During Buddha's time, Bodh Gaya was known as Uruvela. The first temple here was built by Mauryan Emperor Ashoka. Over the time, this site became central to Buddhist civilization, documented by pilgrims like Faxian and Xuanzang. The Mahabodhi Temple, a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2002, marks its historical significance.

Significance Of The Place:

Bodh Gaya is the holiest of the four main Buddhist pilgrimage sites, with its significance rooted in Buddha’s enlightenment. Pilgrims visit during the full moon of Vaisakha, celebrating Buddha Purnima. The site symbolizes the Middle Way, Buddha’s path to enlightenment, and remains a profound spiritual destination.

Places To Visit In Bodh Gaya:

Mahabodhi Temple: The Mahabodhi Temple in Bodhgaya, Bihar, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site marking where Lord Buddha attained enlightenment. Spanning 4.8 hectares and standing 55 meters tall, the temple houses the revered Bodhi Tree, believed to be a direct descendant of the original. Built initially by Emperor Ashoka around 260 BC, it attracts countless monks and devotees who perform prostrations as a purificatory ritual.


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Statue of Lord Buddha: The 80-foot Great Buddha Statue in Bodh Gaya is a significant landmark, depicting Buddha in deep meditation on a lotus. Constructed from sandstone and red granite, it took seven years and 12,000 stonemasons to complete. Inside, a spiral staircase leads to the chest, surrounded by 16,300 small bronze Buddha images.


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Thai Monastery: Just 650 meters from the Mahabodhi Temple, the Thai Monastery, or Wat Thai Buddhagaya, showcases a blend of Thai and Buddhist architecture. A 25-meter-high bronze Buddha statue is the centerpiece, and the monastery's golden-tiled roof is a classic example of Thai design. Daily meditation classes enhance the serene atmosphere.


Image source: Instagram/ rs_photography02

Bodhi Tree: The Bodhi Tree is considered a direct descendant of the tree under which Buddha meditated for seven weeks and attained enlightenment. Located near the Mahabodhi Temple, the site includes the Animisalocana cetiya shrine. Visitors can meditate under this sacred tree, experiencing spiritual renewal.


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Bodhgaya Archaeological Museum: Near the Mahabodhi Temple, the Bodhgaya Archaeological Museum features artifacts from the 2nd century BC to the 11th century CE, celebrating Hinduism and Buddhism. Opened in 1956 by the 14th Dalai Lama, it includes three main galleries and showcases images of Buddha, Manjusri, Maitreya, and other significant figures.


Image source: Twitter/ Harshal Priyadarshi

Food Itmes To Try In Bodh Gaya:

Litti Chokha: A traditional Bihari dish featuring wheat dough balls stuffed with sattu (roasted gram flour) and spices, served with mashed vegetables.


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Sattu Paratha: Nutritious parathas filled with roasted gram flour, spices, and herbs, making for a wholesome and filling meal.


Image source: Getty Images

Thekua: A sweet snack made from wheat flour, sugar or jaggery, and fennel seeds, deep-fried to perfection.


Image source: Getty Images

Dal Pitha: Steamed dumplings made of rice flour stuffed with spiced lentils, served with chutney or curry.


Image source: Instagram/ foodiefilmisonu

Malpua: A sweet dessert resembling pancakes, soaked in sugar syrup and garnished with dry fruits.


Image source: Getty Images

Laung Latika: A pocket-shaped dessert filled with khoya and nuts, sealed with a clove, deep-fried, and dipped in sugar syrup.


Image source: Instagram/ meethamumbai


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Buddha Purnima 2024: Date, Time And All You Need To Know