New Delhi: Travelling might be a hobby for most of us but turning it into a career option- unfortunately, that may not be possible for everyone. It is really fun and interesting to explore the rich culture of different places, try the delectable cuisines that they have to offer and also explore the nook and cranny of an unknown city. Well, speaking of travel, today we will share the story of travel photography enthusiast, Nishchay Jain, who has carved a niche for himself in the ever-evolving influencer industry.

A self-taught photographer, Nishchay is known to capture the intricate moments that ooze rustic Indian charm and put his skills and knowledge to weave magical visual stories that are a treat to the eyes.

Currently, he is on a thrilling journey in his very own caravan ‘Barty- The Van’, and is living his childhood dream. He is aiming to explore and travel across the country while capturing the hidden villages and the magical stories of the towns that need to be seen.

In a conversation with ABP Live over email, Nishchay shared his story of becoming a travel influencer and also spoke about his new venture- Barty-The Van.

Nishchay, who was born and raised in Mumbai, began his career by limiting his photography to the weekends with Mumbai being his only subject. Later, he made the decision to move closer to his goal of exploring the country and stepping outside his comfort zone. His solo backpacking trip through 23 states, which he documented, led him to receive his first-ever paid influencer job from a phone brand.

Speaking of his hobbies, Nishchay likes learning about the local customs, music, and cuisines of the places he visits as a traveller and photographer. "Life is too short and I want to travel across the whole globe while clicking pictures of places that are not known and show how beautiful our world is", says Nishchay.

Here are some experts from the interview:

Being fond of travel and being a travel influencer are two different things. So, what made you start as a travel influencer?

I started this incredible journey back in 2017 when I first visited Ladakh, and that place truly left an impression on me. Be it those breathtaking landscapes, diverse cultures, or the rich food experiences that I encountered. This ignited my passion for travelling and photography to a higher level and left me wanting more. My love for adventure, my passion for discovering new cultures, trying different food, and embracing the unknown are some of the reasons that led me to become a travel photographer and influencer. It's a way for me to blend my love for photography and travel in order to inspire and motivate others to witness the world in new and exciting ways.

 What is your favourite travel destination?

Kashmir is my favourite travel destination all around the year. The best part about Kashmir is that I can visit it in different seasons, and I will always discover something new that will capture my heart and camera. I never get bored of the immense photography opportunities that one can find. 

 Additionally, Nishchay also recommended some perfect destinations in India if you wish to enjoy a beach, forest, river, or maybe mountains for that matter. He said, "For beaches, it will be Gokarna and Kerala, while in the case of forests, the best place to visit will be Himachal Pradesh."

"For plateaus- Meghalaya and Western Ghats; if you want to enjoy a riverside, it would be Varanasi; while for mountains, the ideal places are  Ladakh and Spiti valley.", Nischay further went on to add.

 What are the things that one should keep in mind before opting for a road trip?

One of the basic yet key aspects is to plan your route well in advance and check for the road conditions and weather forecast beforehand for a smooth road trip. Always carry a basic toolkit, spare tyres, tubes and first aid kit for any unforeseen situation. 

What is it like being a travel influencer?

The life of a travel influencer can be both exciting and challenging. On one hand, we get to travel to different places, meet new people, experience different cultures and discover new perspectives while creating content for our audiences which is always exciting, while on the other hand, it requires a lot of hard work, dedication, planning and execution of quality content to maintain our online presence.

What are the perks that you get in sponsored trips?

As travel influencers, for creating quality content, we get to indulge in complimentary accommodations at luxurious hotels and resorts, opportunities to network with other influencers and industry specialists and the chance to explore destinations which may be out of our budget otherwise. These are some of the perks that we enjoy. 

Do you like solo trips or group trips? Why?

I prefer going solo because the first and most important thing is you get exclusive photos of that place, and you can explore the place at your own pace.

Can you share something about your venture Barty-The Van?

Barty- The Van is my dream venture that has turned into a beautiful reality. It’s a complete package and my home on wheels with all the facilities such as a functional kitchen, queen-size bed, a refrigerator and the best part is it's solar powered. This caravan is dearer to me as I have named it after my mother ‘Bharati’ whom I lost in November 2021. Even on her deathbed, she was worried about my dream.  

Barty-The Van was your childhood dream. How did the idea strike you?

I used to see a lot of shows related to food trucks back in my school days and asked my parents if I could start a food truck after my 12th. But as all of you know it's not easy to convince Indian parents and hence my idea was rejected. In 2016, I started photography and saw some photographers in other countries living in a van and exploring places so even I started looking for ideas on how can I implement it in India.

And finally, after months of hard work and a journey full of challenges, I was able to turn into a reality. 

What is your aim behind Barty- The Van?

To explore all unexplored remote places in India and experience India like never before. With my travel partner- Barty The Van, it’s easy and comfortable to stay at any place as long as I want and travel to even those places where public transportation might not be easily available. I would like to experience the beautiful diverse culture that we have in our country as much as I can.