Some people, despite their age, look as young as before. It surprises us how this happened. We think there are some secret rules to looking young. Such people must be eating something special or applying some cream. But honestly, the answer is not as simple as we think. This is done by developing good habits like following a healthy diet, regular exercise, and sleeping on time. But in today's time people are doing the opposite. Their poor eating habits are making them victims to dull skin, weak eyesight, hair problems, back pain at the age of 20. Even chronic diseases such as diabetes which were seen a few decades ago, after a specific age are now seen in their youth. We cannot stop our aging, but it can be delayed. To do this, you have to give up some bad lifestyle habits.


Excessive use of screen time Spending too much time on gadgets can have negative effects on your health. It can numb your brain, impair your memory and ability to concentrate. It also weakens your vision and provokes negative emotions. The blue light emitted by devices is said to shrink your skin cells and accelerate the aging process. 

Smoking- The harmful effects of smoking cannot be underestimated. It reduces your lung capacity, destroys collagen which makes your skin dry, and is the leading cause of chronic diseases like heart, lung, diabetes, and cancer. The nicotine present in cigarettes is addictive and makes you addicted. 

Staying up late- Like proper diet and regular exercise, sleep is also an important parameter of health. It relieves the body from the fatigue of the day and keeps you fresh. It is very important in physical, mental, emotional, and brain development. Staying up late at night creates an imbalance in the pH level of your skin. Lack of sleep induces wrinkles, dark spots and age marks.  

Imbalanced diet- The effects of what you eat are very much visible. Food plays an important role in maintaining your youth. If you stay hydrated and eat healthy food, it will automatically make your skin look radiant and youthful. Nutrients like Vitamin A, C, E, Selenium, Zinc, Copper take care of your skin from within. You should avoid consuming junk food as it contains an excessive amount of salt, sugar, and sodium which slow down your metabolism and makes your skin lifeless.