Legendary Bollywood actor Dilip Kumar is admitted to hospital again. This comes nearly two weeks after he was discharged from the hospital earlier this month. The 98-year-old has again been admitted to the ICU. According to a report by PTI, the actor was admitted to Mumbai's Hinduja Hospital at Khar Road on Tuesday (June 30) morning. Dilip Kumar is currently in the ICU & under doctor’s observation.
As per reports, he is stable now.
Confirming the news to ANI, Dr Jaleel Parkar informed that the 98-year-old star is currently undergoing treatment at the hospital. He refused to give any more health updates about the actor.
Meanwhile, a source from the hospital told news agency PTI: "He was admitted on Tuesday during the day due to breathlessness. Given his age and recent hospitalisation, the family decided to take him to the hospital as a precautionary measure. He is fine. He is in the ICU so that the doctors can monitor him."
This is the second time this month that the veteran actor has been admitted to hospital. He was hospitalised on June 6 after experiencing breathlessness.
A health update was tweeted from the actor's official account on June 9, which reads: "Thank you for your prayers. A successful pleural aspiration procedure was performed on Dilip Saab. I personally spoke to Dr. Jalil Parkar and Dr. Nitin Gokhale. They are optimistic that he will be discharged tomm (Thursday)."
While the actor was in hospital earlier, his wife, veteran actress Saira Banu had earlier issued a statement on his Twitter account thanking fans for their love and prayers and requesting everyone to not pay heed to rumours. Dilip Kumar was discharged from the hospital on June 11.
Known as the 'Tragedy King' of Bollywood, the veteran actor's career spanned over six decades.
He has acted in over 65 films in his career and is known for his iconic roles in movies like 'Devdas '(1955), 'Naya Daur' (1957), 'Mughal-e-Azam' (1960), 'Ganga Jamuna' (1961), 'Kranti' (1981), and 'Karma' (1986). He was last seen in 'Qila' in 1998.
We wish Dilip Kumar a speedy recovery!
With inputs from agencies