New Delhi: What would you do if you could read people's minds? Well, I guess this is something which most of us want to do for numerous reasons. But, have you ever thought of keeping your audience enthralled with your mind reading skills?  Magic is something which we all love to watch and there are some magicians who make us wonder "what just happened"- long after the show is over. Well, with those introductory lines, you must have guessed who we are talking about in today's section of 'Beyond The Screen'. Yes, it is none other than India's very own 'Jadoopari'- Suhani Shah

Suhani Shah is India's first female mentalist, illusionist, and magician ruling the male-dominated profession of magicians. With a huge base of around 1.4M followers on Instagram, she is currently the most viewed mentalists and one of the top magicians in the world. Her first stage show was held at Thakorbhai Desai Hall in Ahmedabad on 22 October 1997, following which, she entered the Guinness Book of World Records as the 'World’s Youngest Magician' when she was seven.

In a candid conversation with ABP Live, Suhani spoke about her passion for magic, her experiences while performing magic and so much more. She said, "Next time you hear about a magican, don't imagine the person to be a man, with a pointed hat and a cape; a magician can be a woman also."

Here are some excerpts from the interview:

When was it that you got interested in mind reading and magic?

I became interested in mind reading and magic back in 1996 when I watched a magic program on TV. It was a Sunday morning, I came across a magic show on TV where a magician made an object vanish and reappear from inside an apple. This incredible display captivated me, and I didn't just want to watch more magic; I desired to share this sense of wonder with others by becoming a magician myself. Convincing my parents took some effort, but once they saw how serious I was, they fully supported me. My dad especially wanted me to perform on big stages, rather than just at schools or birthday parties, so we worked together to make that happen.

Did you want to have a full-time career as a mentalist and illusionist?

When I first discovered magic at the age of 6, and performed my very first stage show at 7, the concept of a full-time career was far from me and my parents' minds. Magic started as a delightful hobby, but it gradually evolved into a passion that consumed me. It's fascinating how something we pursue purely for enjoyment can later shape our lives and become our profession.

Being a mentalist, people might have asked you weird questions to answer about them. Can you share a few instances?

As a mentalist, I receive a wide range of questions from people. Some are lighthearted and amusing, while others are more serious in nature. My inbox is often filled with emails asking me to uncover personal information like a partner's phone password or forgotten iPad codes. Some individuals seek predictions for exams, lottery numbers, or gambling outcomes. On a more heartfelt note, people sometimes reach out for assistance in understanding their child's thoughts with autism or attempting to decipher the thoughts of a loved one in a coma. While I try my best to respond and help as many as I can, I also make it clear that magic is an art form meant to entertain and not a means of truly reading minds.

You have done over 5000 stage shows, how has the experience been so far. What was the audience's response after your shows?

The experience of doing over 5000 stage shows has been incredible, and the audience response has been overwhelmingly positive. Magic, as an art form, carries a unique ability to ignite a sense of wonder and possibility in people's hearts. I enjoy incorporating compelling storytelling in my shows that leave the audience contemplating whether any of it was real. It brings me joy to witness people leaving the auditorium with a renewed belief in the extraordinary.

What has been your most memorable experience till date in your profession?

In my profession of performing magic for over two decades, it's hard to pinpoint just one memorable experience. Each time I step on stage and witness the sense of wonder on the audience's faces, that magical moment becomes special to me. While I may not have a specific standout memory, I am dedicated to creating unforgettable experiences for my audience in every show, ensuring they cherish the wonder I bring into their lives for a long time to come.

You recently shared a reel that said 'Magic itna achha karo ke 4 log bole scripted hai', how do you deal with such circumstances when you are asked if it was all scripted or not?

When it comes to the authenticity of my performances, those who have seen me perform live can attest that no part of the show is scripted. While I rarely receive such inquiries in person, there are comments on my videos questioning if everything is scripted. To those individuals, I want to assure them that I have never and would never ask anyone to fake reactions or script their responses. I consider it unethical. It's important to understand that when people cannot find a logical explanation for an act, they may assume it is fake or scripted. However, in the realm of magic, it can be seen as a compliment. Our goal is to perform acts with such artistry and flawlessness that it appears impossible, sparking a sense of wonder and amazement in the audience. And hence I say, "Magic itna acha karo ki 4 log bole 'scripted hai'"

Have you been trolled on social media? How do you deal with it?

On social media, I am fortunate to receive a lot of love and support from my wonderful community- Susha Squad, and that's where my focus lies. I choose to embrace the positive and meaningful interactions. Social media has played a significant role in expanding the reach of my art, allowing me to connect with a larger audience. The overwhelming love I receive on these platforms is truly humbling. It's incredible to think that in the pre-internet era, reaching out to so many people in such a short time would have been unimaginable. I appreciate the value that social media has added to my work and continue to strive towards making our online community happier and stronger.

It is often said that one should believe and trust their intuition. To what extent do you think that is true?

I find it to be true. Trusting our intuition can be valuable in many situations. Our intuition is like an inner compass that draws upon our past experiences and knowledge, helping us make quicker decisions. While it's essential to listen to our gut feelings, sometimes, it's also crucial to balance intuition with critical thinking and logical reasoning. Intuition can provide valuable insights, but it's essential to validate and test those feelings against evidence and facts to ensure sound decision-making. The Universe may guide us in mysterious ways, but combining intuition with logical analysis can lead to more informed and successful outcomes in various aspects of life.

Do you think anyone can be a mentalist if they want to? 

Mentalism, as a subset of magic, is indeed a learned skill that can be pursued by anyone with a genuine passion and willingness to learn. While it does require dedication and practice, there are no inherent limitations that would prevent someone from becoming a mentalist if they have the desire and commitment. With proper training, understanding of psychological techniques, and performance skills, one can develop the abilities and techniques required to perform as a mentalist.