New Delhi: A woman named Candace Payne decided to do a Facebook Live broadcast of herself trying on the official Star Wars Chewbacca mask. Candace filmed it herself while sitting in the Kohls parking lot.

The video got so viral that it spread life wildfire on Facebook so much so that so that Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg "invited" Candace Payne to come by Facebook HQ!

"We invited Candace Payne -- whose Chewbacca mask video got 141 million views and is now the most-watched Facebook Live video ever -- to come by Facebook HQ today. And we had a fun surprise for her!", wrote Mark Zuckerberg on his facebook page.

A grown woman trying on a Star Wars mask doesn't sound particularly very exciting, but Candace Payne's infectious laughter and childlike enthusiasm have made the video talk of the web.

Watch it below: