Rath Yatra 2024: Every year, on the second day of the bright lunar fortnight of Ashadha, the coastal town of Puri bustles with joy and enthusiasm as it celebrates the Jagannath Puri Rath Yatra. This auspicious occasion features the ceremonial procession of Lord Jagannath along with his brother Balabhadra and sister Devi Subhadra as people long to catch a glimpse of the deity. At the same time, the Gods and Goddes tour the city to check on their subjects. 

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Rath Yatra 2024: Date

This year, the auspicious festival will commence on July 7 and conclude on July 16, preparations of which have already begun. Approximately 18 days before the Rath Yatra, Lord Jagannatha, his brother Balabhadra and his sister Devi Subhadra are given the famous ceremonial bath which is known as Snana Yatra. This event is observed on Purnima Tithi in Jyeshtha month.

Lord Jagannath, who is an incarnation of lord Vishnu, is worshipped during this time as described in sacred books like Brahma Purana, Padma Purana, and Skanda Purana. The Jagannath Rath Yatra symbolises Lord Jagannath's annual visit to the Gundicha Mata Temple.


Image Source: Odisha Tourism

Rath Yatra 2024: Rituals

The journey from the Jagannath Temple in Puri to the Gundichi Devi Temple is marked by the Jagannath Puri Rath Yatra. On this occasion, the three deities are carried on chariots. People from all over the world come to participate in this festival and as a result, Puri welcomes 4-5 lakh pilgrims every year.

Before the ceremony begins, the three idols are given a ritualistic bath, after which they are kept in isolation until the procession day. This is because they become slightly discoloured after the bath and are considered ill for that time.

On the day of the Yatra, people gather around the temple chanting and dancing while waiting for a descendant of the Royal Family of Orissa to bring the idols out of the temple. He is the only person who has complete authority over the Jagannath Temple. He sweeps the chariot with a gold handle broom and decorates its floor with flowers to welcome the deities.

He also sweeps the ground before the chariots and sprinkles sandalwood water. This is a famous ritual of the Yatra called the Chhera Pahara symbolising that everyone is equal before the Lord.

All three chariots are made of wood and decorated by local artists. Out of the three, Lord Jagannath’s chariot is the biggest one having 16 massive wheels and a height of 44 feet. On the other hand, Lord Balabhadra’s chariot has 14 wheels and a height of 43 feet, while Goddess Subhadra’s chariot has 12 wheels and a height of 42 feet.

These chariots are pulled manually using 50-metre-long ropes. Lord Balaram’s chariot is pulled first then Goddess Subhadra’s followed by Lord Jagannath’s. People rush to help pull the chariots as they believe that pulling the chariot earns them good deeds and penance for their errors. 

The distance from Puri to Gundicha temple is roughly 3 km but due to the large amount of crowd, it takes a couple hours to reach. Once they have reached, the deities reside at the temple for nine days, where pilgrims are allowed to visit the deities before they return to Puri in the same way.


Image Source: https://utsav.gov.in/

Rath Yatra 2024: What Happens In Gundicha Temple

Rath Yatra commemorates Lord Jagannatha's annual visit to Gundicha Mata temple, where Lord Jagannath, Balaram and Subhadra stay for 9 days. According to Drik Panchang, this ritual is believed to honour the devotion of Queen Gundicha, wife of the legendary King Indradyumna who built the Puri Jagannatha temple.

One day before Rath Yatra, the Gundicha Temple is cleaned and this ritual is known as Gundicha Marjana.

The fourth day after Rath Yatra is celebrated as Hera Panchami when Goddess Lakshmi visits the Gundicha temple in search of Lord Jagannatha. 

After resting for eight days in Gundicha temple, Lord Jagannatha returns to his main abode. This day is known as Bahuda Yatra or Return Yatra and is observed on the eighth day after Rath Yatra on Dashami Tithi. During Bahuda Yatra Lord makes a short stoppage at Mausi Maa temple which is dedicated to Goddess Ardhashini. Here, the deities are served with Poda Pitha (a sweet pancake) which was a favourite of Lord Jagannath.

Rath Yatra 2024: Significance

The Skanda Purana clearly states that a person who chants Lord Jagannath's name and goes to Gundicha Nagar during the Rath Yatra is freed from the cycle of rebirth. In addition to that, anyone who participates in the Rath Yatra while chanting the Lord's name has all their wishes fulfilled.