Aries - You have to face anger for the first 15 days of May. The laziness, which has surrounded you, will get over by May 4. You will stay active. Recite Hanuman Chalisa regularly during the whole month. You need to be patient in job-related matters till May 23rd, after which things might change for people looking for a new job. There is a possibility of hindrance in the progress of business. Wait for some time before taking a loan. Take care of family members’ health in wake of the current global epidemic. Follow all the rules and stay alert. Pay attention to your words in love life. 

Taurus - You have to stay away from negative thoughts and also ensure that you are calm and composed. Be careful while making important decisions between the 13th and 24th; decisions taken during this time may prove to be wrong. If the work is going slow then you have to stay patient. Sellers of luxury goods and decorative goods will get benefits in the first week of the month. Stay vigilant for health in the second week of the month and be aware of COVID infection. Religious programs will be held in the house, but follow the rules. Children should spend time with grandparents. Give lessons in culture and family rituals to kids. Signs indicate that wedding is on the cards. 

Gemini- You should avoid unnecessary anger in May, do add meditation in the morning routine from the second week, otherwise, anger can cause mental stress. There is a possibility of getting results of hard work. Your intelligence will be strengthened and you will also get appreciated for work. Use more technology for completing official tasks. The month may be profitable for small traders, avoid storing excessive goods. From May 26 onwards, students should work harder in their studies. Headache and migraine patients should maintain the routine. After May 13, younger brothers and sisters will progress in their field. People in relationships should try not to hurt each other's feelings. 

Cancer- You should not be mentally weak this month, instead you have to overcome the difficulties with caution and alertness. Luck is in your favor when it comes to the financial situation, relationships that were affected will improve. Team support is important in the office. People working in the fashion industry will have an active mind. Merchants should use e-wallet more. Small traders should avoid spending more than income. Ensure immunity is not weakened. Exercise regularly and eat a nutritious diet for good immunity. You might welcome a new family member. Couples should avoid doubts. They should resolve any issue by talking to each other. 

Leo- The meeting of many planets will affect your work, both positively and negatively; in such a situation, try to complete all the work in your profession with full diligence. You have to complete the tasks assigned by the boss by understanding his words and actions. Businessmen should not be worried about financial gain, there is a possibility of getting relief from the third week of the month. Be alert for congestion in the chests. People who consume tobacco products and cigarettes should immediately stop using them. Be aware of your father’s health after May 17. Lovers can talk to family members about their marriage. 

Virgo- Do not let relationships get affected this month. Before making new friends and relationships, one should think carefully as the position of the planets is going to spoil the association. If you lead the team in the office or are going to work on a new project, then good management will be instrumental in achieving the goal. Those who trade in medicines should check the expiry date before raising large stocks. They should also access the rules and regulations. Diabetes patients should be alert. Negligence can be detrimental for people with blood pressure problems. You should increase the interaction with the maternal side from May 15, if you get a chance to take care of your grandfather and grandmother, then do it. The month will be normal for lovers. 

Libra- Live in the present and don’t get attracted to fantasies of the future. Do not promote unknown fear and mental stress. The planetary conditions may affect speech, so do not use harsh words for others as it can hurt them. People engaged in research work should not be negligent in the project till May 15. They will get good results by the end of the month. Retail traders will have to take big decisions to strengthen the financial condition, but they should take steps only after staying patient and listening to advice of superiors. Asthma patients should get treated immediately if the problem increases. Do not clash with family members because of ego issues. People in relationships should avoid taking any major decision. 

Scorpio- There should be no lack of zeal and enthusiasm, recite Hanuman Chalisa daily and if possible, also recite Sundara Kand. The negative conditions will worry you; you will have to take special care till May 17. In the middle of the month, advise your friend, spouse and business partner to be vigilant about health-related matters. Do not annoy the female boss and colleagues in the office. Those who deal with customers should remain very cool. Problems like acidity and stomach irritation can trouble you, be alert about urine infection. You can plan to take a loan for buying land. Lovers should not let their relationship get weaken. 

Sagittarius- This month, your morality will increase Honour and respect. If you are connected with an NGO, then you will be able to help the people struggling with the epidemic in every possible way. The social circle will increase. Continue to complete official tasks smoothly, otherwise, you will face the wrath of your boss. People in the government departments will have to follow the rules. Merchants are likely to benefit from large clients and trusted partners. They will get help from big clients in expanding business. Do not pay attention to old diseases but be alert till 26th May. If the spouse wants to take up a new course or wants to change profession, then support his/her decisions. Lovers will get family support. 

Capricorn - This month one has to understand the difference between confidence and over-confidence. Make a deep connection with your loved ones, increase your interaction with everyone via phone. From May 15th, mental conditions will be under control but there won’t be a drastic change, so stay under the guidance of Guru and propagate his thoughts to others. Your rapport with your senior officers in the office will be better. Be aware before investing money in business matters as there is a possibility of loss. Stay alert for COVID-19, continue physical activity (yoga, pranayama, exercise) while staying at home. You can shop for electronic goods by May 7. Monitor the health of children. Lovers can have a heart-to-heart conversation with each other. 

Aquarius – Your knowledge should not suffer this month. Perform bhajan-kirtan and pooja. If possible, offer satvik food to God and distribute it to family members. Those who are interested in cooking should do courses to increase knowledge about the same.  The planetary conditions will be in your favor till May 27. There is a possibility of progress in work; your mind will also remain very active. There is a possibility of gaining profit in business related to medicines or pesticides. You should not be negligent about legal matters. Do regular pranayama for good air energy in the body. Plant trees in the house. Unmarried people can get wedding proposals. Aquarians can fall in love. Students, who are studying via online classes, have to complete homework. Spend time with your elder brother, you will gain knowledge from him. 

Pisces – you will remain happy and spiritual. It will be beneficial to read any religious book or favorite informative book at night. Provide financial assistance to needy people. If you are looking for a job, then continue to make efforts till the 15th, after which you will have to find a contact. There will be full cooperation from colleagues while performing official tasks. After May 20, retail traders will face financial issues, there is a possibility of estrangement in the ancestral business. People who are active on social media should share valid and verified posts. Heart patients should keep taking medicines regularly and eat nutritious food. Continue to take the blessings of mothers and motherly figures. Religious work will be planned in the family. Lovers should not have a communication gap.