New Delhi: One in every five women in India suffers from PCOS, also known as polycystic ovary syndrome. PCOS is primarily caused by an unhealthy or sedentary lifestyle, which can result in irregular or absent menstrual cycles, difficulty in conceiving due to irregular ovulation, excessive hair growth on the face, chest, back, or buttocks, weight gain, hair thinning or loss from the head, oily skin, or acne.

Making conscious lifestyle adjustments can help to control the underlying symptoms of PCOS. Including physical exercise in your everyday routine is critical for stress and anxiety management. Regular exercise aids in the fight against obesity by burning calories and developing muscle, as well as regulating cholesterol levels and hormones such as testosterone.

In this regard, Avantii Deshpaande, who is a clinical and sports nutritionist, specialising in gut health and PCOS, shared some ways to manage the condition. 

1. Gut healing: Our gut consists of millions of good microorganisms which build immunity and detoxify the body. The root cause of PCOS is inflammation which happens due to an unhealthy gut. Fruits and vegetables contain fibre aka prebiotics which the micro-organisms feed on and flourish. Along with this make sure to have 1 glass of buttermilk in the day which is a rich source of live lactobacilli acting as probiotics.

2. Manage insulin resistance: Once the glucose is well digested and metabolized with the help of insulin hormone the PCOS can be managed well. For this make sure that you follow a wholesome diet consisting of fibre from salads and vegetable curries, protein-rich foods like dals, nuts and seeds and fish and complex carbs from millets, rice or oats. When you make mindful choices you will lose weight which will reduce the load on the pancreas and better management of PCOS.

3. Increase good fats: Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids are known to reduce inflammation and act as antioxidants. Flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, melon seeds, almonds and walnuts are vegetarian sources of omega-3 fatty acids and fatty fish like sardines, salmon, and Indian mackerel are good sources of omega-3. Make sure you include 1 tbsp of mixed seeds, 30g of almonds and walnuts and fish at least 2 times a week for getting enough omega-3 fatty acids.

4. Exercise: Along with diets, exercise is also essential for managing PCOS. But how to exercise, is important too. Too rigorous exercise will stimulate inflammation. Apart from this, also make sure that you are physically active during the day.

5. Sleep strategies: A well-rested body will heal well and reduce inflammation. So, make sure that you get a good night’s deep sleep for at least 7-8 hours. Follow the right sleep hygiene like not watching gadgets, having dim lights, reading, and meditation before sleep to ensure the right sleep quality. 

Additionally, Sanjana Pai, Founder of The Pink Box also shared some food items that can be included in our diet along with some stress-reduction practices that can help in the management of PCOS.

She said, "A fibre-rich, fruit- and vegetable-rich, lean protein-rich diet can help with weight loss and enhance insulin sensitivity. Regular exercise can also aid in controlling insulin levels and weight. stress-reduction methods like Yoga, deep breathing, and other stress-reduction practices can help reduce levels of stress hormones, which can exacerbate PCOS symptoms."

Lastly, Amul S Bahl, Inventor, Director of Yogic Naturals shared what Ayurveda Nanocellopathy is and how it helps in the management of PCOS.

He said, "Ayurveda Nanocellopathy is a one-of-a-kind technology based on traditional Ayurvedic science but practised in a new and scientific avatar. To cure an internal condition, only a few drops of herbal-based oil serums must be massaged for 15 seconds at key marma points on a daily basis."

"The oil serums developed under Ayurveda Nanocellopathy for the management of PCOS have successfully undergone rigorous scientific validation, clinical trials and medical journal publications. The scientific data showcased the efficacy of external use of the oil serums for PCOS in reducing ovarian volume, reducing follicular cysts, maintaining healthy menstrual cycles and managing hirsutism.", he further added.

He concluded by saying that women are the social fabric of our society, and you can manage PCOS with tiny but continuous efforts, a focus on anxiety, sleep, food, and improved awareness. Women need to be patient and give their bodies some time to adjust to the new lifestyle, and when these practices become habitual, they can choose two new lifestyle adjustments to include.