While being a mother is one of the most beautiful experiences a woman can have, many may face mental health issues during or after delivery, including postpartum depression. Kylie Jenner, who has two children, Stormi and Aire, claimed to experiencing similar symptoms following each of her pregnancies.

Kylie Jenner spoke openly to Vanity Fair Italia about her experience with postpartum depression, what her two children are like, and which of her four sisters she relates with the most—and least.

Jenner advised those suffering from postpartum depression, saying, "I have experienced it. Twice. The first time was extremely challenging, but the second time was much easier. I would urge those women not to overthink things and to embrace all of their emotions at that moment. Even though it is painful, stay in that moment. I know you think it will never end, that your body will never be the same again, that you will never be the same. It is not true: at that stage, the hormones and emotions are far more strong and larger than you. My advise is to live through the shift without worrying about the consequences."

"The risk is to miss all the most beautiful things of motherhood as well," she said in the interview. 

She also stated that her children's strength has already impressed her. "The younger is two," she explained. "The older one is five years old. Their personalities astound me: they already know what they want and are steadfast in their pursuit. I get emotional just thinking about them. Sorry. They are sensitive and strong at the same time."

She's parenting kids by attempting "to offer them different choices," Jenner explained. "I am interested in the idea of imparting to them an education in how to take control and accept responsibility for their decisions. That, I believe, is critical." She also stated that she is open to having more children in the following ten years.

What Is Postpartum Depression?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the national public health agency of the United States, postpartum depression is depression that arises following the birth of a child. Postpartum depression symptoms are more strong and stay longer than "baby blues," a term used to describe the concern, sadness, and exhaustion that many women experience after having a baby. Symptoms of "baby blues" usually go away on their own after a few days.

What Are The Symptoms Of Postpartum Depression?

Postpartum depression symptoms might vary in frequency, duration, and intensity depending on the individual. Postpartum depression symptoms are similar to those of depression, however, they may also include:

  • Crying more frequently than normal.

  • Feelings of anger.

  • Withdrawing from family and friends.

  • You may be feeling numb or alienated from your child.

  • Concerned that you will injure the baby.

  • Feeling guilty for not being a good mother or having doubts about your abilities to care for the baby.

What Are The Ways To Manage Postpartum Depression?

Therapy and recovery times vary based on the severity of your depression and your specific needs. If you have an underactive thyroid or an underlying ailment, your doctor may treat it or refer you to an appropriate specialist. Your doctor may also refer you to a mental health professional.

According to studies, postpartum depression is often treated with psychotherapy (also known as talk therapy or mental health counselling), medication, or both.

Psychotherapy might be beneficial to discuss your concerns with a psychiatrist, psychologist, or another mental health expert. You can discover better ways to manage your emotions, solve problems, create realistic objectives, and respond to situations in a constructive way through therapy, according to studies. Family or relationship counselling might also be beneficial. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and interpersonal psychotherapy are two methods used to treat postpartum depression, as per studies. 

The development of an oral medication for postpartum depression is continuing, with promising results. 

Postpartum depression symptoms usually improve with adequate therapy. In rare circumstances, postpartum depression can persist and progress into chronic depression, according to some studies. It is critical to maintaining treatment once you begin to feel better. Stopping treatment too soon may result in a relapse.

(With Inputs From Agencies)