Social media content creator Kili Paul who is known for his lip-syncing videos to the tunes of numerous Bollywood songs, recently surpised all Bengali fans with his latest reel. In the video, Kili can be seen garbed in a red outfit as he sings the song 'Kolkata' with perfect lip-sync to each and every word of the lyrics. The video has garnered numerous likes and Bengalis are overjoyed on seeing this. Sharing the video on Instagram, Paul wrote, "Kolkata ❤️"
Taking to the comments section, netizens have expressed their joy and excitement on seeing Paul's work. One of them said, "Wow.. lip syncing on point 🔥 Welcome to Kolkata 🙌 Hope you are getting a little Kolkata-vibe from this comment box", while another user said, "Love from kolkata". A third user said, "Finally a bengali song!! Was waiting for this so badly!!, and a fourth comment followed that said, "Must come to Kolkata.😄....I love this place!😍❤️ I will teach you Bengali language."
Talking about the song, 'Kolkata' has been written by Anupam Roy and sung by both him and Shreya Ghoshal. It is from the Bengali movie 'Praktan', which is a 2016 Indian Bengali film directed by Nandita Roy and Shiboprosad Mukherjee, starring Prosenjit Chatterjee and Rituparna Sengupta.
Meanwhile, Kili Paul seems to be creating a series of reels where he is lip-syncing songs in different Indian languages ranging from Tamil, Telugu to Assamese, Bhojpuri and many more. In some videos, he can be seen dancing to the tunes of different regional music as well.
Here is the one he created out of a Tamil song: