Karwa Chauth is an auspicious festival celebrated predominately in the northern and  Western parts of India by the  women who fast all day long for the longevity and well-being of their partners. The fast starts before sunrise and ends after worshiping the moon. It includes two types of meal preparations - one is taken  before sunrise, specifically called sargi, while the other is consumed after moon worship. But, why do women fast? Are there any health benefits? Continue reading to know more:

Benefits Of Karwa Chauth Vrat:

Dr. Priyanka Rohatgi, who is the Chief Nutritionist, at Apollo Hospitals, New Delhi listed the following:

  • Fasting allows the body to cleanse and rejuvenate itself. It gives the digestive system a break, which can improve digestion and overall well-being.

  • Fasting can also help with weight loss by reducing calorie intake and promoting the use of stored body fat for energy.

  • Additionally, fasting can improve mental clarity and focus by increasing the production of ketones, which provide an alternative energy source for the brain.

Additionally, she also spoke about the risks:

  • While fasting can have some health benefits, it is important to be aware of the potential risks, especially for people with certain medical conditions.

  • Fasting can also cause fluctuations in blood sugar levels, which can lead to lightheadedness, dizziness, and even fainting in some people. People with diabetes or blood sugar sensitivities should be especially cautious when fasting.

  • Prolonged fasting can also lead to nutrient deficiencies, especially if the diet is not balanced before and after the fast. It is important to eat a healthy diet before and after fasting to ensure that the body gets the nutrients it needs.

  • Fasting can also be stressful for the body, especially for people with underlying health conditions or demanding lifestyles. It is important to listen to your body and rest during and after fasting.

Tips For Healthy Fasting On Karwa Chauth: 

Karwa chauth - the special day for all the Suhagans is around the corner and women are excited to celebrate this festival with great zest and zeal by offering their prayers to the Lord moon for the longevity, prosperity and health of their husbands. This 12-15 hour long fast is accompanied by hunger pangs and dehydration as neither a woman eats nor drinks. Usually women stick to the old traditions and customs but its always a good idea to mould the rituals a bit for healthy body.

So for healthy fasting, here are a few dietary tips shared by Dietician Garima Goyal which are important to be kept into consideration, which will help to replenish the body in a better way.

  • Hydrating the body should be the first step on this ladder. Long hours of fasting deletes the body's water stores. So its essential to open the fast by sipping water in small amounts and then hydrate the body well so that its ready to digest the food again. Remember not to gulp water rather sip it.

  • Unsweetened fruit juice or coconut water is also a good option as having direct fruit will add up too much fibre to the body after a long fast. The natural sugars present in them gives the body its lost energy of entire day and they are also rich in electrolytes.

  • Lemon water is also an excellent pick to prepare the fasting body to finally accept the food after long hours and it also replenishes the body of the lost nutrients as its antioxidant rich.

  • Homemade Vegetable soups are also healthy alternatives to give the required nutrients to the body.

  • Fermented foods such as curd should be the next food on the list because they are gut healthy.

  • Flavoured, roasted or salted nuts are a good-to-go when opening a fast. Handful of them is sufficient to make the body feel rejuvenated as they are loaded with calories and healthy fats. Also riboflavin, zinc, magnesium etc in these nuts gives a boost to the body's lost nutrients.

  • To keep acidity at bay, avoid sugary, fried and processed foods for opening the fast. Jaggery or dark chocolate can be chose instead of sugary sweets for the temptations. Also homemade meal with less spices will be best for the digestive system.

Foods To Include And Avoid In Sargi Thali For Healthy Fasting During Karwa Chauth

Aman Puri, who is the Founder, of Steadfast Nutrition said, "The sargi meal is traditionally consumed before sunrise to feel energetic through the day till the fast is broken after moonrise. It consists of five to seven or more food preparations depending upon family rituals. Traditionally, the sargi thali comprises parathas, kheer, sweet mathri, and sweets like laddoo and barfi."

Here are some food items that you can include in your sargi thali as suggested by Aman to make it healthy and nutritious

1. Nuts, seeds, and dry fruits 

Including nuts like almonds, walnuts, and pistachios provides proteins and good fats. Opt for seeds like pumpkin, sunflower, chia, and flax seeds since they provide fibre and good fats such as omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which reduce hunger and improve satiety. Take dried fruits like dates, raisins and figs since they provide ample amount of energy and keep sugar cravings at bay.

2. Whole grains with simple carbohydrates

For a nutritious and wholesome meal, add cereals like ragi, amaranth seeds, bajra, jowar, broken wheat, and barley. Prepare foods like bajra kheer, apple kheer, makhana kheer, and wheat sewaiyan that can be prepared with milk,nuts, raisins and jaggery - they are a better option than the traditional “phenia”. One can also have stuffed roti made of tofu/paneer/gobhi/dal/matar along with homemade curd which can make you feel full for the entire day.

3. Seasonal fruits 

Nature is so generous that it provides the right kind of fruits during every season. Karva Chauth falls in autumn and the fruits in this season, such as apricots, apple, and banana, provide sufficient energy while citrus fruits like oranges grapefruit are a rich source of vitamin C and contain minerals that provide hydration throughout the day.

Coconut water is a good source of potassium and balanced electrolytes that maintains hydration and helps in the healthy maintenance of blood pressure. 

4. Milk and milk products 

Milk and milk products (such as curd and paneer) contain a balance of  protein, fat, and carbohydrates with several essential nutrients like potassium, zinc, calcium, and phosphorus, and vitamins A and B complex that reduce tiredness and fatigue and maintain a healthy blood pressure.

Remember to partake in only healthy nutrition - limit the consumption of fried foods, tinned, and canned foods, processed and packed food as these contain high levels of saturated fats, salt, and sugar and additives that negatively impact health. Limit simple carbohydrates, refined sugars, corn, and corn products which digest quickly and increase glycemic load on the body i.e. spikes in blood sugar level and makes you feel hungry sooner.

The Importance Of Hydration While Fasting During Karwa Chauth:

While the spiritual aspect of Karwa Chauth is paramount, it's essential to remember the importance of staying hydrated during this day-long fast especially during the autumn season, dehydration can be a real concern. 


In this regard, Dietician Umang Malhotra said, "Fasting on Karwa Chauth usually involves fasting from food and water from sunrise to moonrise and can last up to 15 hours. Dehydration can cause headaches, dizziness, and fatigue. Therefore, it is important to drink enough fluids to complete your fast comfortably."


Its better to include few hydrating drinks:

  • Coconut water: Coconut water is a natural, refreshing way to rejuvenate your body. It is rich in electrolytes and is an excellent choice for restoring minerals lost during fasting. 

  • Buttermilk/ Lassi/ Chaas: A cup of traditional Indian yogurt drink provides hydration and nutrients. Not only does buttermilk provide a lot of moisture, it also contains important nutrients. For extra flavor, you can add a pinch of salt or spices like cumin. 

  • Juice: Fresh juices such as mosambi or pomegranate juice provide hydration while providing some important vitamins and minerals. 

It's important to drink these hydrating drinks in moderation and avoid excessive amounts of caffeine or sugary drinks, which can lead to dehydration.


"While it is important to follow the traditions of Karwa Chauth, it is equally important to listen to your body. If you experience severe discomfort or symptoms of dehydration, contact your doctor. Remember, fasting is about devotion and love, and your health must be a priority. As you prepare for Karwa Chauth, don’t forget to incorporate fluids into your fasting plan, and staying hydrated can ensure you're physically and mentally ready for this special day. So, drink a glass of water or a refreshing drink to ensure you stay healthy and hydrated on the auspicious day," he concluded.

Who Should Avoid Fasting?

In this regard, Dr. Priyanka Rohatgi mentioned the following:

  • Fasting is not suitable for everyone. Certain people should avoid fasting altogether due to potential health risks or specific needs.

  • Pregnant and breastfeeding women should not fast, as their bodies need consistent nourishment to support the growth and development of their babies.

  • People with chronic health conditions, such as diabetes, low blood pressure, or other medical issues, should talk to their doctor before fasting.

  • People with a history of eating disorders or other health concerns should also talk to their doctor before fasting.

  • Individuals engaged in physically demanding jobs or activities may also want to avoid fasting, as it can deplete energy reserves and impair physical performance.