New Delhi: International Dog Day is a global celebration which is observed annually on August 26, with a history that goes all the way back to 2004 when Colleen Paige, an animal welfare advocate, adopted her first dog, inspiring others to do the same. In addition to that, she also emphasised the importance of providing excellent care to our furry companions. 

This day is a celebration of all dogs, regardless of breed or lineage and also honours the ones who work tirelessly to save lives, provide comfort, and ensure our safety. In turn, they rely on us as companions to take care of their health. Hence, it is our responsibility to ensure that our dogs receive the best care and nutrition, especially during monsoons.

Nutrition For dogs During Monsoon:

In this regard, Dr Shivangi, who is the Product Executive Manager at Drools said, "During the monsoon season, it's vital to prioritize your dog's health and hygiene. Reduced activity levels in pets during this time can increase the risk of weight gain. So, it is important to adjust their diet to prevent  obesity. Additionally, one needs to pay close attention to their water intake, as stagnant water can promote bacterial growth."

"Always provide a steady source of fresh, filtered water that is easily accessible to ensure proper hydration. We should give the dogs an Omega 3 and 6 rich diet to make sure that their skin is healthy and less prone to catching any kind of infections in this humid weather," she further added.

Additionally, Dr. Deepak Saraswat who is the Head Vet at Zigly said, "Rains can sometimes slow down or eliminate furry strolls entirely. One of the main causes of irritable bowel syndrome is a lack of exercise. In this case, including fruits and fibres in your pet's food can assist."

Talking about the benefits of fibres and fruits, he said that they aid in the regulation of their faeces cycle.

"Sweet potatoes, green beans, and pumpkin are all healthy possibilities. Aside from providing fibre foods in your pet's diet, make sure they get enough of indoor activity to maintain a healthy weight. The monsoon season necessitates consuming a healthful and balanced diet rich in Vitamin C, E, and Omega 3 fatty acids. They not only contribute to developing immunity but also enhance the skin’s barrier function. Omega 3 fatty acids also help to reduce shedding and skin infections, which are common during the monsoon season," he continued to say.

"Also, while protein is necessary for our pets to keep active and happy, it is not recommend feeding them raw chicken or meat during the rainy season as they is difficult to digest and put a lot of strain on the intestines. If you want to feed your dog a high-protein diet, look for dog food with an adequate protein level. When it comes to preventing illnesses during the monsoon season, the appropriate diet might help a lot," he further added.

Tips To take Care Of Your Pets During Monsoon:

Taking care of dogs during the monsoon season requires some extra attention and precautions to ensure their health and comfort. Here are some tips, shared by Brindha Prabhu GandhiKumar who is the Co Founder of TABPs, to help you care for your dog during the rainy season:

1. Shelter: Ensure your dog has a dry and comfortable shelter. If your dog stays outdoors, provide a waterproof and windproof doghouse or sheltered area where they can stay dry. If your dog is indoors, make sure they have a cozy and warm spot away from drafts.

2. Grooming: Regular grooming is essential during the monsoon. Keep your dog's fur clean and dry to prevent fungal and bacterial infections. Towel-dry your dog after they get wet, and consider using a pet-safe hairdryer on a low setting to completely dry their coat.

3. Foot Care: Keep your dog's paws clean and dry. Moist paws can lead to fungal infections. After walks, gently wipe your dog's paws with a damp cloth to remove mud and debris.

4. Raincoats and Booties: If your dog doesn't mind, consider using a raincoat to keep them dry during walks. Booties can also protect their paws from muddy puddles and potential contaminants.

5. Avoid Stagnant Water: During the monsoon, there's often stagnant water that can carry diseases. Prevent your dog from drinking or playing in puddles or stagnant water sources to avoid ingestion of harmful pathogens.

6. Health Check: Keep an eye on your dog's health. Check for signs of skin infections, itching, and other health issues. If you notice any unusual behavior or symptoms, consult a veterinarian.

7. Vaccinations and Preventatives: Make sure your dog's vaccinations are up to date, as the rainy season can increase the risk of certain diseases. Additionally, continue flea and tick preventatives to prevent infestations.

8. Diet and Hydration: Provide a balanced and nutritious diet to support your dog's immune system. Ensure they have access to clean and fresh water at all times.

9. Exercise: While it might be tempting to skip walks due to the rain, dogs still need exercise. Engage them in indoor games and provide mental stimulation to prevent boredom.

10. Drying Area: Create a drying station near the entrance of your home where you can towel dry your dog before they enter the house. This helps prevent them from bringing in excess moisture and mud.

Remember that every dog is different, so it is important to adjust based on your dog's specific needs and preferences. Regular veterinary check-ups and open communication with your vet will help to provide the best care for your furry friend during the monsoon season.