New Delhi: The wedding rumours of Athiya Shetty and KL Rahul have steamed up like never before. It is reportedly said that the wedding festivities would take place at Suniel Shetty's Khandala house between January 21 and 23. Meanwhile, Suneil Shetty has given a glimpse of his lavish Khandala home that overlooks the hills and has the perfect weather at this time of year. This is where the pre-wedding festivities are going to be held.
The Dhadkan actor and his wife Mana opened the doors of their beautiful Khandala family house erected on a mountaintop in an episode of the YouTube show 'Where the Heart Is'.
The sprawling farmhouse is nestled in the woods and features stunning vistas, large gardens, stone sculptures, calming decor, a swimming pool, and much more. It has a zen vibe, with an almost life-size Buddha installation in one of the gardens. Another Buddha statue may be found beside the beautiful infinity pool, which is surrounded by flora. There are also numerous outdoor dining spots with red bricks and gorgeous patios that are ideal for relaxing and taking photos.
A lot of earthy colours have been used as Suniel said in the video, and also there are a lot of greens. The space is full of natural light which lets the plants grow and also gives a happy vibe to the place.
The property also has a large living room, a media room, and a huge dining area throughout the space. The interiors are dominated by a rust and brown colour scheme that is effectively balanced with greens. The home has a natural look and has a lot of woodwork. Rustic artwork, statues, paintings, various treasures, and big indoor plants bring the entire place to life.
The venue just fills up the ambience with enormous lamps and plants, and it will be intriguing to watch how the family will curate the entire wedding at the farmhouse.
After showing the interiors of his entire house in the video, Suniel said, "I call it the pre-climax because it's big, it leaves an impact but the beauty of this place is nature. The beauty of Khandala is nature."
Later in the video, he also narrated the story of how he got to know about the place, following which he and his wife decided to build a home there to which his wife said, "So, it was a sweet, successful walk."
On the other hand, KL Rahul's Mumbai home is already decked up for the event as the latest paparazzi videos showed fairy light decorations outside the building.