Aries- On the occasion of Mahanavami, you should feed the girls as part of 'Kanya Bhoj' and increase your virtues. If you work with full potential in the right direction, then you will get good results. Do not indulge in office politics; if someone is bad-mouthing you, then instead of thinking about it focus on your career. People in medical field will have to work harder than others.  You need to remain calm and meditate as it will be beneficial. If your father is having a bad mood, then you should not argue with him, otherwise you will have to face his anger.

Taurus - Start the day by worshipping the Goddess. Offer gifts to the girls as per your ability. If you have a job, then you need to be alert now. Correct your mistakes in work if you make them. Retail traders can expect good profit; small profits will increase economic growth. Students can share notes with their friends through different online mediums. You need to stay active to protect yourself from the diseases. Your immune system is quite weak at the moment and hence, you need to cautious about the virus. Follow the rules properly to keep the virus at bay. Respect your spouse.

Gemini - Today, the malefic planets are making an impact and it can confuse you. You should plan for the future, which will turn out to be effective for next phase of life. The businessmen should not get worried and troubled by the present situation and instead must remain patient. They should plan for better growth. Patients with stomach disorders need to remain alert, specially those who are facing issues related to appendix. You have to utilize your time well by spending it with children. If you reside in a different city because of your work, then you should plan to come to home during the festival.

Cancer- You should plan a a havan ceremony at home. Avoid any situation which causes depression. Remain cool and arrange things accordingly. You can get rid of negative thoughts by reading good books. Discuss with your family members at home before taking major official decisions. Hoteliers and restaurateurs will have to give importance to management, customers may get angry due to lack of proper arrangement. Take care of health, if you are keeping ill since several days, then take medicine on time. There is a possibility of having fights with the neighbours so try not to add fuel to the dispute.

Leo- Keep unnecessary expenses under check as you will face financial issues. There is a possibility of getting help from colleagues and friends. Stay alert of official conspiracy and politics at work. If you want to change the job, then search for a new one. Milk traders might face disappointment. Arthritis patients need to stay away from hot and cold or else they will have to face pain. You will have a good coordination with family members, spend time with them. Pay heed to the advice of your well-wishers.

Virgo- Today, you need to focus only on the official work and not spend time in useless talks with subordinates and colleagues. People engaged in transport business may have to face some problems. Students can remain tensed about their studies. Some important points you need to remember about your health - 'Agni' (fire) element is dominant in the stomach; don't stay empty for too long as it can be harmful for your health. Stay alert about any fire accident at home If there is any problem with wiring, then get it fixed.

Libra - As the day begins, you may have to contribute to the pre-planned work. Offer clothes and make-up items to Maa Durga. You should help the needy. People in the field of Research and Development will get benefits in their projects. Those, who are engaged in online business, can get good profits. Taking medicines for any disease at unregular intervals can be detrimental. Skin related diseases can also cause problems. If you get a chance to travel somewhere with your family members, then you should definitely go.

Scorpio- Recite the Ramcharit Manas and Bhagavat Katha with whole family; celebrate the festival of Mahanavami with full fervour. Remember, your 'luck and labor' will revolve around each other. If you are going to take an important decision then this is not the time to change because your decision can go wrong.  People engaged in the business of  electronics have a possibility of witnessing growth in income. You may face ear related problems. If you are already facing issues, then be careful. Keep the important items in the house safely.

Sagittarius- Do not get tensed today, you may get some positive results for the hard work you have been doing in the past few days. Your seniors and higher authorities can ask you about the details of your official work. Businessmen should keep a check on their words; your words can cause dispute with big customers. Consume coarse grains and drink more water. Spend time with grandfather; if he is not alive, then remember him. Contact old friends and relatives on phone. Your concerns regarding your children seem to be dwindling.

Capricorn- Take Maa Durga's name and start any auspicious work. Don't become arrogant but remain humble like a tree with fruits. The boss might remain upset due to work, if he/she points out your shortcomings, then don't get disappointed. Merchants should complete their pending work. Stay at home and step out only if needed. Situations might lead to conflict in family, so avoid indulging in things which cause friction.

Aquarius- From today, you need to start worshipping regularly and make it a part of your routine; specially if you don't do it on a daily basis. Participate in social work and strengthen your network. You have to lend money if someone needs help. If you do yoga and meditation, then it will give you good results. Blood pressure patients need to stay to careful. Don't consider parental discipline as some sort of burden. Talk to them and share your feelings.

Pisces- You will have a challenging day ahead. You will face doubts when it comes to completing the planned work. Disputes in the office should be resolved immediately. This is the perfect time for women, who do businesses related to sewing or fashion designing at home. They should update themselves quickly as per the changing times.  Students, who are preparing for competitive exams, should study in a professional manner. Don't waste the present time. You will get solutions for your past health problems. Do not lift heavy items, it can cause back problems. You can get financial help from friends. Perform havan at home in the evening.