Horoscope Today 26 April 2022, Aaj Ka Rashifal, Daily Horoscope: According to Panchang today, 26th April 2022 is the date of Ekadashi of Krishna Paksha of Vaishakh month. Today Moon is transiting in Aquarius and is Shatabhisha Nakshatra.

Aries: Harshness in the behaviour of Aries can be removed by their loved ones. You will be happy to get the work you want in the office. Teachers can get a promotion today. Merchants working online should remain cautious while doing transactions. There is a possibility of sore throat or cold. Maintain a balance between staying outdoor and indoors. You may get an invitation to a social function from your extended family.

Taurus: Today there will be some disturbance in your mind. Do some work which gives you peace today. With the help of the team in the workplace, you will be able to complete all the tasks. Retail traders should do business thoughtfully as there is a potential for loss. Special care should be taken about the hygiene of food. Stay alert while ordering food. Spend some time with the elders of the house today.

Gemini: Do not let stress dominate you today. Keep yourself cheerful and stay happy today. Be mentally prepared to dedicate more time while doing official work. Milk traders can receive complaints from their customers. They have to focus on quality control. If there is a headache, get a massage and do not take unnecessary medicine. If you stay outside all day, then take special care of hygiene, otherwise, you will bring infection into the house.

Cancer: Drink enough fluids to maintain physical energy today. Be mentally prepared, today the office work is going to pile up. Iron traders will generate good profits today and they should take advantage of this situation. If you consume any kind of intoxicant then stay away from it today. There will be extra positive vibes generated between you and your spouse. Both of you will remain extra happy today and the whole family will be cheerful. Serve your guests well even those staying for extended periods.

Leo: Make a budget for your future expenditure else there will be financial trouble. Follow all the rules of the office and reach on time and be disciplined today. Traders should be careful in legal matters. Any written agreement should be thoroughly read and shall be signed after cautious thinking. If you are experiencing stomach pain today then don't ignore it and take the doctor's opinion. Kids should carefully listen to their mothers.

Virgo: Virgo should keep their contacts up close. People associated with the media industry will do well. Any meaningful and positive news written by them will create an impact. Negligence in work today can cost dearly, so do your work with full dedication. There is a risk of blood infection. Hormonal problems can occur in women. If BP remains high then do not get angry at all else it can be fatal.

Libra: Today there will be guidance from seniors so follow the path shown. Your boss can give you an additional new responsibility which will require hard work. Those doing sales jobs in the telecommunication industry will be able to fulfil their given target. Stay alert regarding blood-related disorders. Keep your food and drink preferences balanced and do not take consume alcohol today. Spend some quality time with your spouse.

Scorpio: People of this zodiac sign should not be worried about their future. They will get satisfaction at the workplace with a little bit of patience. Lack of coordination will disturb your communication chain with higher officials. Invest wisely in the stock market today. If there is a deficiency in the body then immediately consult a doctor. Try to keep your married life happy and harmonious. Someone may try to cause misery.

Sagittarius: People of the Sagittarius zodiac sign should remain careful while driving today. If you want to reply to someone then do not be aggressive in your response. Kids should use technology for important work only. The day is auspicious for exporting traders. They should take more export consignments. Keep an eye on toddlers as they are injury-prone today. You will get extra love and support from your brothers and sisters today. 

Capricorn: Keep emotions under control today and whatever decision you take, take it after careful consideration. Stay away from office politics. Today is not a good day for those involved in the stationery business. There can be a problem in the ear and there is a possibility of a sore throat as well. Visit a doctor and do not resort to non-consulting meds. A guest will visit your house today. There will be an atmosphere of happiness with the arrival of this guest.

Aquarius: Your budget may be spoiled due to excessive expenditure. Be sure to make cuts wherever possible. It is not right to speak arrogantly with subordinates. Good time for those involved in the utensils trade. There may be a rush of customers. If weight is increasing then start controlling it right away. One should not argue with younger siblings.

Pisces: Do not get into controversies today else the situation for you will worsen. You may also have to do additional work for your coworkers, but do not be upset as you will only reap the benefit. Businessmen associated with the fashion industry will be able to earn profit. There is a risk of urinary infection today. Pregnant women should take care of themselves. Time is right for getting a beauty treatment.