Hartalika Teej 2021: According to panchag, Hartalika Teej is fast is undertaken on the third day of Shukla paksha of Bhadrapada month. This time the fast is on Thursday, September 9. Lord Shiva and Mother Parvati are worshipped on this day by rituals.

Women fast for the long life and happiness of their husbands. On the other hand, young girls fast to get the ideal groom. If you are doing Hartalika Teej fast for the first time, it is important to follow some of its rules. Mistakes made in this fast return bring punishment as suffering in the next life.

Never Do These Things On Hartalika Teej Vrat:
Extreme care is required while fasting for Hartalika Teej. All these rules are mentioned in the Bhavishya Purana. So if you're fasting for the first time, take a look at these rules.

1. Every woman who fasts for Hartalika Teej should make sure that she does not sleep at night. This fast is overnight and Lord Shiva and Mother Parvati are worshipped. 

2. It is believed that the fast of Hartalika Teej is performed undisturbed and without food.

3. According to religious beliefs, if you start the Hartalika fast once, you cannot give it up. You have to do the fast of Hartalika Teej every year and worship the Gods following all rules.

4. You cannot consume water during this fast. 

5. Fasting women must keep themselves away from anger on this day. It is said that women should exercise self-control during the fast of Hartalika Teej. 

6. Women who fast for Hartalika Teej should take special care of the elderly. Don't use rude or abusive words with elders and younger ones at all. 

7. You should not even quarrel with your husband on the day of fasting. If possible, don't focus on stressful situations and ignore things. In case of an issue, sit together and sort things out amicably later.