Yoga Day 2022: International Day of Yoga is celebrated on 21st June every year. The idea of the International Day of Yoga was proposed by Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi in his speech at United Nations General Assembly in 2014. He stated “Yoga is an invaluable gift of India’s ancient tradition. It embodies unity of mind and body; thought and action; restraint and fulfilment; harmony between man and nature; a holistic approach to health and wellbeing. It is not about exercise but to discover a sense of oneness with yourself, the world and nature. Changing our lifestyle and creating consciousness, can help in well-being. Let us work towards adopting an International Yoga Day.”

ALSO ON ABP LIVE | Why June 21 Is Celebrated As International Yoga Day

Following his proposal, the United Nations adopted the draft resolution of the Day of Yoga in 2014. Prime Minister Narendra Modi suggested this date because it is the longest day of the year and it even shares special significance in some parts of the world. 

Every year a new theme is chosen for this day. It is the 8th edition of Yoga Day and the theme for this year is “Yoga for Humanity”

This year’s main event of international yoga day will take place at Mysuru, Karnataka. Minister-in-charge of Mysuru district S.T. Somashekar has said that till now 12,000 people have registered for the International Yoga Day 2022. The celebrations will be led by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 21st June 2022.

International Yoga Day 2022: Dos and Don'ts For Beginners Starting With Yoga Asanas

Significance Of International Yoga Day 2022's Theme:

The theme was decided after much deliberation. The theme perfectly portrays how yoga helped everyone during peak covid time and how it facilitated serving the one's suffering and others in maintaining good physical and mental health. This year's theme will bring people closer through compassion and kindness. 

The initiative of Guardian Ring will showcase the International Yoga Day 2022 celebration in approximately 75 countries from east to west. It will cover over 16 time zones thus people from all over the world can participate in it. The events will be telecasted on DD channels

Common Yoga Protocols: 

  1. Yogic practice shall start with a prayer to enhance the benefits of the practice. 

  2. Loosening practices help to increase microcirculation. 

  3. Tadasana or Tree Pose teaches one to attain stability and firmness and forms the base for all the standing asana.

  4. Kapalbhati purifies the frontal air sinuses: and helps to overcome cough disorders. 

  5. Pranayama induces tranquillity and helps in improving concentration by practising alternate breathing through each nostril. It reduces stress and anxiety levels.

  6. Dhyana or meditation is a vital component of yoga. It helps in eliminating negative emotions like fear, anger depression etc. 

  7. End each and every yoga session with a Sankalpa. 

  8. End the session on a positive note and with a happy mind.