International Yoga Day 2022: In any yoga enthusiast’s life, International Yoga Day poses an important role. While many have already adopted Yoga as part of their lifestyle, a worldwide day for Yoga (International Yoga Day) propels to make more around the globe aware of the benefits that one gets through the practice of yoga. Yoga has been a crucial element of the glorious history of India. It is not just a practice, but a lifestyle.

United Nations (UN) describes the essence of yoga as creating balance and harmony. UN says, Yoga is "not just about balance within the body or that between the mind and the body, but also balance in the human relationship with the world."

"Yoga emphasizes the values of mindfulness, moderation, discipline and perseverance. When applied to communities and societies, Yoga offers a path to sustainable living,” the UN states further. 

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Upon India’s proposal and the support of 175 member states, the draft resolution for the establishment of International Yoga Day took place. Prime Minister Narendra Modi, in his speech at the 69th session of the General Assembly in 2014, first proposed the idea.

Calling Yoga, a priceless gift from the ancient history of India, Prime Minister Narendra Modi pushed for the remembrance of yogic practices. Ultimately, on December 11, 2014, the UN declared June 21 as International Yoga Day.

The significance of the chosen date is that it is the Northern Hemisphere's longest day, which is commemorated as a culturally significant day in various areas of the world. It is also the start of summer. 

The first Yoga Day was celebrated in 2015, with India achieving two Guinness World Records: The Record for ‘the largest yoga class’ and record for ‘largest number of nationalities at a yoga event’.

The theme for the 8th edition of the International Yoga Day is ‘Yoga for Humanity’. People from all across the world celebrate the event with utmost dedication, and several competitions are held to motivate individuals to participate in the event.