It’s that time of the year when communities across the country ring in their traditional new year. Even though celebrations will remain muted for the second time in a row due to the second wave of coronavirus sweeping the nation, people are upbeat about the festivities.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has also extended wishes to everyone on the occasion of Vishu, Puthandu, and Bohag Bihu celebrated in states of Kerala, Tamil Nadu, and Assam respectively.

Ugadi, Gudi Padwa, Vaisakhi, and Navreh was celebrated on April 13 by Telugus, Kannadigas, Maharashtrians, Sikhs, and Kashmiris respectively, Tamilians, Malayalis, Odias, and Assamese will ring in Puthandu, Vishu, Pana Sankranti, and Bohag Bihu on Wednesday (April 14). Bengalis will celebrate their new year called ‘Pohela Baisakh’ on April 15. 

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Vishu is known as the Malayalam New Year in Kerala and observed by Malayali Hindus. The festival marks the first day of Medam, the ninth month of the solar calendar besides announcing the beginning of spring. In Vishu, people pray for the abundant harvest. Puthandu is celebrated to mark the traditional Tamil new year. Puthandu, set with the lunisolar Hindu calendar’s solar cycle, begins with the first month of the Tamil solar calendar, Chittirai.

On the morning of Vishu, people wake up to see the  Vishu kani where 'Kani' means "that which is first seen on Vishu". The belief is that one should get up to look at auspicious things on Vishu because people are then expected to experience the best throughout the year.


In Assam, the festival of Bihu is celebrated in Assam to mark the Assamese New Year. The festival commences on April 14 and celebrated till April 20. The first day of celebration is known as the Goru or cow Bihu. Goru Bihu is dedicated to cattle and livestock.

In Assam, three types of Bihu celebrations take place known as Magh Bihu, Rangoli Bihu, and Maghar Domahi. The one celebrated on the first day of the month of Magh is referred to as Magh Bishu, while Bohag Bihu marks the beginning of spring.

People across each of these states celebrate the harvest festival with traditional fervor and enthusiasm.

Here are New Year Wishes to share with your near and dear ones

Start the year with the smile….
Celebrate with the family and share the memories…..
Cherish the experience and treasure it….
Let the happy moments be your inspiration
in life throughout the year…..

Let us welcome this Vishu with great hope…
eagerness and anticipation….
Let us look forward to a plentiful year of joy…
satisfaction, peace and prosperity….

Let There Be Outcast Of The Fear,
For This Entire New Year,
wishing By Heart In your Ear,
A Very Happy New Year!

A relaxed mind
A Peaceful soul,
A joyful spirit &
Health Body,
All these are my prayers for you.
Wishing you and your family a very happy new year 2021

Happy New Year Quotes
When the New Year arrives, 
it brings new ideas & hopes for us
to make our lives good to better & better to best.
Happy New Year