New Delhi: Every year International Workers' Day, also known as International Labour Day is celebrated on May 1. It is a day set aside to honour workers and labourers worldwide. The goal of this day is to honour workers and make them aware of their rights. The day was created by labour unions, notably the eight-hour day campaign. This day is a public holiday in over 80 countries, emphasising the importance of work and the success that the labour movement has made. 

Labour Day is a call to action for social and economic fairness, and it is the outcome of a protracted struggle for better working conditions and worker rights. Workers gather on this day to reflect on their progress and renew their resolve to achieve a more just and fair world.

Labour Day 2023: History

May 1 is celebrated as an old northern hemisphere spring festival, but it became associated with the labour movement in the late nineteenth century as trade unions and socialist organisations declared it as a day in support of workers. The date was chosen to remember the 1886 Haymarket affair in Chicago, where a peaceful rally in support of workers turned into a violent conflict with the police, resulting in the deaths of at least 38 citizens and 7 police officers.
Injuries were sustained by 60 police officers and 115 civilians. Those who died as a result of the fight were dubbed "Haymarket Martyrs."

Labour Day 2023: Significance

Labour Day is a significant event that recognises and celebrates the basic contributions of labourers to society. The significance of fair labour practices and worker rights, as well as the value of employment, are recognised on this day. It invites labourers to participate in fortitude, expresses gratitude for the progress gained, and considers future progress required. Labour Day, in general, acts as a reminder of the labour movement's successes and the potential of collective action in the battle for economic and social justice.

Wishes To Share On Labour Day:

  • Celebrate the workers and celebrate every nation's existence and prosperity. Greetings on Labour Day.

  • Work is the rung on which human dignity and creative greatness can be manifested. Happy Labour Day.

  • Hard labour will never let you down. Happy Labour Day.

  • There is no success without hard work. I extend my heartfelt greetings to all labourers. Greetings on Labour Day.

  • A worker is a creator and a valuable asset to any country. Happy 2023 International Workers Day.

  • True liberty is found in hard work. In diligence, rest has meaning. Labour Day greetings!

  • I wish everyone a happy and prosperous May Day with their loved ones. Worker's Day 2023 greetings.

Messages To Share On Labour Day:

  • I wish you a happy Workers' Day. May you achieve all that you deserve.

  • Today is the day to remember those who work hard in life to make it worthwhile. Labour Day greetings!

  • On this Labour Day, I would like to recognise and appreciate all workers for their hard work and contributions to the advancement of society. Let us honour and celebrate the hard work and devotion of individuals from all walks of life.