The human gastrointestinal system houses an extensive population of microorganisms, encompassing both beneficial and harmful types. Together, these microorganisms constitute what is commonly referred to as our 'gut microbiome'. It is of paramount importance to maintain a harmonious and healthy equilibrium among these microorganisms within the microbiome. Various factors such as dietary choices, physical activity, pharmaceutical interventions, and even genetic predispositions can exert influence over the composition and diversity of the gut microbiome, thereby impacting diverse facets of an individual's health, either positively or negatively.

Dr Shahnawaz Purkait who is a Medical Superintendent at Techno India DAMA Hospital said, "As per research and latest guidelines, a healthy diet consists of vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds and berries. This can be accompanied by high fibre bread, oily fish, lean meat cooked in healthy oil with high content of monounsaturated fatty acids such as olive oil, mustard oil, grape seed oil. One should also restrict intake of refined sugar, high salt, high cholesterol and high fat food."

Natural Ingredients To Be Added In Diet For A Healthy Gut:

In the labyrinth of our bodies, the gut stands as a sentinel of well-being, and within its walls lies the secret to a healthier, more vibrant life. To nurture this inner guardian, we must turn to the bountiful offerings of the natural world. 

In this regard, Aditi Goyal who is a Nutritionist at Healthifyme Private Limited said,"Mother Earth provides an array of gifts, each a potent elixir for our digestive health."

She went on to list the natural ingredients that can be added to our diet for a healthy gut:

  • Fiber-rich fruits and vegetables, like the colourful mosaic of a garden, nourish our gut's friendly bacteria, weaving a tapestry of vitality within us.

  • Fermented treasures, such as yogurt and kimchi, are probiotic ambassadors, bringing balance to our inner ecosystem.

  • Whole grains, the wholesome harvest of the fields, fortify our gut's defenses.

  • In the herbs and spices that grace our culinary creations, we find not only flavour but also healing. Ginger soothes, peppermint calms, and turmeric ignites anti-inflammatory magic, all in service of our gut's harmony.

Importance Of Protein In Fostering A Healthy Gut Ecosystem:

Suhel Vats, Co-Founder and MD of BigMuscles Nutrition, emphasises the importance of proteins in fostering a healthy gut ecosystem.

He said, "Protein, which is the building block of life plays a crucial part in our diet. The body uses proteins primarily to produce enzymes, maintain the immune system, and repair damaged muscles & tissues. They are equally important to the trillions of gut microorganisms as nutrition. A healthy gut microbiome is associated with improved digestion, increased food absorption, and improved mental health. Daily meals that include high-quality protein sources promote a healthy intestinal environment."

The pressures of modern living, however, frequently make it difficult to achieve protein needs merely through diet. Protein supplements offer a practical remedy to this issue.

Talking about the benefits of these supplements, Suhel said, "These supplements support a healthy lifestyle by ensuring muscle maintenance & supplying vital amino acids, the building blocks of protein. Supplemental protein is essential for gut and muscle health not only after strenuous exercise and sport but also a hectic daily lifestyle. The body is put under stress by vigorous exercises, and quickly absorbed protein supplements help with muscle growth and tissue regeneration."