Benefits of Flax Seeds for Skin and Hair: We all know about the benefits of flax seeds right from earlier times. But, perhaps today we have forgotten to put it to use. For this, today we are going to tell you about this superfood which you can include in your life and reap many benefits. Flax seeds contains fiber and many fatty acids like Omega 3 which is not only beneficial for the body but also helps in nourishing the skin and hair. So let's know about its benefits:

Increases strength of hair
Flaxseeds have many such nutrients that are beneficial for hair growth. It contains a large amount of Vitamin-B that brings back the lost shine of hair. It also contains Vitamin-E that prevents hair loss.

Makes the skin glow
We adopt a variety of tips and tricks to make the skin beautiful and glowing. However, skin cannot remain healthy without proper nutrition. In such a case you can put this superfood to use. It brings back the lost radiance on the face. It can also save you money that is spent on buying expensive skin creams.

Reduces Rashes
We already know that Omega-3 is found in flaxseeds. It helps in curing the rashes on the body. It also contains anti-inflammatory properties that make the skin clear and glowing.

Freedom from wrinkles
Regular use of flax seeds can also guarantee freedom from wrinkles. It helps to rejuvenate your skin by reducing wrinkles and lines on the face. At the same time, the skin becomes supple and glowing.

How to consume flaxseeds
Flax seeds are actually devoid of any taste and so you can consume them raw as well. You can also dry roast it and eat. If you want you can grind it into powder form and then consume it. Consume teaspoon of it in the morning with warm water. It will also help you lose weight. You can also consume it by adding it to vegetables, pulses, oatmeal while cooking.

Where can you find Flaxseeds?
The flaxseed plant is found in places with medium temperature (Temperate Zone). Its tree has large fibres which is used to make clothes, cords, ropes, etc. It is most commonly found in countries like China, India, Russia, France etc.