New Delhi: The summer season is now in full swing, and with that, our cravings for something cool have also become a notch higher. Ice-creams are the best thing that we can have in summer and what can be better than preparing your own ice cream at home? Making homemade ice cream using your preferred ingredients can be a great way to enjoy the dessert. And, when it's homemade, the quantity often takes a sideline. So, you can enjoy your yummy ice- cream in abundance. 

Here are some interesting ice cream recipes that you can try at home:

1. Mango Lassi Ice Cream:


  • 1 bowl Yogurt

  • 2 Mangoes

  • 1 tbsp Honey


  • Churn together the yoghurt, chopped mangoes and honey.

  • Pour it into silicon moulds.

  • Deep freeze it for at least four hours and serve cold.

2. Vegan Peanut Butter Ice Cream:


  •  2 cups of dairy-free milk 

  • 4 to 5 tbsp of natural sweetener

  • 1/2 cup peanut butter

  • 1/4 tsp Salt

  • 1/2 tsp pure vanilla extract

  • Toppings according to your choice


  • Pour the mixture into ice cube trays or a few shallow containers after thoroughly stirring all the ingredients.

  • After the mixture has been frozen for an hour, remove it from the ice tray or other container, soften it out so that it can be blended, and then blend it until it is smooth.

  • For ice cream that is firmer, repeat freezing for up to 30 minutes.

  • Add chopped peanuts, chocolate syrup, and chocolate chips on top.

3. Tutti Fruity Ice Cream:


  • 3 scoops of vanilla ice-cream

  • 3 tbsp jam of your choice

  • 4 tbsp mixed fruit-chopped and sweetened

  • 3 tbsp roasted and chopped nuts

  • Whipped cream for garnish


  • In the bottom of a glass, put 2 tbsp of fruit.

  • Add one scoop of ice cream on top of those.

  • Add 1 tbsp of jam and 1 tbsp of nuts to this.

  • Continue layering the fruit, ice cream, jam, and nuts.

  • Add the final scoop of ice cream, jam, and almonds on top.

  • After serving, pipe the whipped cream all over.