2020 will always be remembered as the year when entire globe went under lockdown. As cases of Coronavirus increased, millions across the world stayed at home and kept distance from each other. As the virus locked down the people internet kept them busy.

Stay at home boredom was killed as one after another challenge was thrown by the internet via social media. Dalgona Coffee challenge to the Quarantine Travel challenge are few popular ones that kept everyone at bay and hooked to phones.

As the year comes to an end, let us recap the top five challenges which became viral during the lockdown:

Dalgona Coffee:

Dalgona Coffee became one of the most trending delicacies when the world was forced to remain inside the house and self-quarantine in order to contain the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic.

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The coffee became an overnight sensation, with every other individual on social media posting a picture of the hot beverage with #DalgonaCoffee. However, later it was found that the coffee took a lot of effort without an automatic whisk.

Safe Hands Challange

The social media challenge was launched by the World Health Organization (WHO), to help people wash hands for more than 20 seconds which was crucial to tackle the Covid-19 outbreak. Celebrities and popular faces on social media took up the awareness challenge and posted videos of them washing their hands for 20 seconds.

Cooking During Quarantine Challenge

The challenge became extremely popular amid the pandemic, social media users across the world shared photos and videos of their quick recipes, they created which helped them full and happy.

From making street food delicacies like chaat, momos, or panipuri to baking cakes and setting up barbecues, netizens posted their efforts, turning social media into ateliers of a multicuisine restaurant.

Quarantine Travel Challenge

As the lockdown banned up people from traveling, netizens took up the quarantine travel challenge in which they needed to share two pictures- a place they had visited and a recreation of the same at home. After the challenge pulled off, social media got flooded with hilarious outcomes.

Saree Challenge

A lot of female users took to social media and started posting their pictures in saree with #SareeChallange. The challenge also required to tag friends in order to maintain the chain.

As the saree challenge went viral, men also started taking part in the challenge by posting pictures of themselves in dhotis.