A few days are left for the much-awaited wedding ceremony of Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant, but rituals have already begun as wedding bells echo in the Ambani household. The wedding, which is a 3-day affair, is all set to take place on July 12 at the Jio World Convention Centre in Mumbai's Bandra-Kurla Complex. Two functions, known as the Mosalu and the Mameru were held recently, photos and videos of which are doing the rounds on the internet.
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What Is Mosalu And Mameru:
Mosalu is a traditional ceremony celebrated in Gujarati culture a few days before the actual wedding.
In Mosalu, the groom’s mother’s family, in this case, members from Nita Ambani’s side of the family, led by her mother Smt. Purnima Dalal and her sister Ms. Mamta Dalal, came to the residence to bless the couple along with gifts and offerings.
On the other hand, the groom’s maternal uncles and family presented the bride & groom with a traditional set of gifts known as 'Mameru.'
In a way, Mosalu and Mameru reflect the respect given to and involving the larger family in wedding festivities. These occasions highlight the importance of the wedding for the extended family and become an occasion for them to celebrate together.
Meanwhile, the Ambani family hosted a Samuh Viva'( mass wedding) on July 2 where 20 underprivileged couples from Palghar were married in a grand ceremony. The event was a huge display of generosity as each brode received gold and silver jewellery, including nose rings, mangal sutra, toe rings, anklets, rings and more. They also received a cheque of Rs. 1.01 lakh as 'streedhan', as part of assets.
The couples also received appliances to set up their new home as they began a new chapter in life together.
Anant and Radhika's wedding festivities began with an intimate puja ceremony at the Ambani's residence in Antillia on June 29, 2024.