The annual Amarnath Yarta is set to commence from June 28 this year and will culminate on the Raksha Bandhan festival which falls on August 22. The registration process for the 56-day long annual pilgrimage to the holy cave shrine of Amarnathji in south Kashmir Himalayas will begin from April 1.
According to the reports, the Shri Amarnathji Shrine Board (SASB) has decided to begin the registration process next week through 446 designated branches of Punjab National Bank, Jammu and Kashmir Bank and YES bank in 27 states and Union Territories.
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News agency PTI quoted SASB Chief Executive Officer Nitishwar Kumar saying that the "registration will start from April 1 for both the routes through 446 designated bank branches of the Punjab National Bank (316), the Jammu and Kashmir Bank (90) and the YES Bank (40), all over the country."
Kumar further said that as the shrine is at a very high-altitude and the journey is arduous, it is mandatory to submit health certificates issued by doctors or medical institutes authorised by state governments or union territory administrations. The certificates issued after March 15 shall be valid and will be accepted at the registered bank branches.
In a meeting earlier this month, the authorities had said that the board has decided to hold the event, keeping with the COVID-19 pandemic guidelines. It also assured to continue the live telecast/ virtual darshan of the morning and evening Aarti besides the traditional rituals as per past practices.
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It is to be noted that the SASB board had cancelled the Amarnath Yatra last year in 2020 saying that yatra would begin July 21 and continue till August 3, however, the decision was rolled back. It was restricted to a group of Sadhus last year due to coronavirus pandemic, while a year earlier it was called off mid-way due to a "terror threat."